My new babies...


New Member
I am a new leo owner and I just got these 3 babies a few days ago. I love their coloring, but I know nothing of the different morphs and such. Does anyone have any idea what they are? They are on the skinny side as well and as soon as they start eating normally, I will get them fattened up. One of them ate the first night, but nothing since. The other two are only eating a couple of mealies a night. I am making some changes to the tank today because even though I researched before I bought them, there is so much contradicting information out there. I have a heat lamp, but getting a UTH today. I am also taking back one of the hides because (thanks to some of your brilliant ideas) I am making my own. :D Thank you all for the wealth of informaiton you provide here for newbies. :main_thumbsup:

P.S. I dropped calcium powder in the enclosure right before I took the pics and that's why it's so messy looking.. It's cleaned up now. ;-) Yoshi, the second pic dug out the moss from the humid hide as soon as he got in his new home. Ugghhh... :)

1st picture is a female (we think) and her name is Izzy
2nd picture is a male (we think) and his name is Yoshi
3rd picture is Izzy on bottom and Tiki on top
4th picture is Tiki and we are fairly certain she is a female.
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Active Member
Southern Illinois
They're all very pretty! I would say Izzy is a Normal, but Yoshi and Tiki could be Mack Snows (or Normals also). They look healthy to me. You might give them some waxworms as a treat if you want to make them gain a little weight ;)

If you got a male and two females here, we'll wait for your post around this time next year to see if you have happy news :main_laugh:



New Member
Thank you so much for your reply! I'm excited to see what they look like in a few months. :p I just love them so much. I know I have handled them more than I should, but I keep shifting things around the tank and they aren't very skittish. They don't mind my hand in there at all, so I have to scooch them to put things back so I don't squish someone. :main_laugh: They don't really explore too much at this point. They stay in their hides most of the time. They'll probably start exploring more over the next week or so. I am in the process of grouting 3 hides and a food/water/calcium food dish holder for the enclosure, so they will have some remodeling in the next week or so. How much floor space do they need in the tank? It's a 30 gallon and I measured the "furniture" I am making and it will fit, but will be squished a little, however I built them so they can climb on them and they have flat tops that they can hang out on. They all have stairs and stair step sides. Will that be alright? I will definitely post pictures of it in the cage section when it's done and get some advice there. I will also post pictures if we get some mini leos next breeding. :D


Active Member
Southern Illinois
Wow, you offer your leos more than many people do! Sounds all great, and the size of the tank is wonderful for them. If you want them to climb around, what about a nice Habiscape rock wall (link)? I just got a package with five of them and am cutting them with a kitchen knife to the right size. You can glue them on with aquarium silicone. They come fitting into a 5, 10, or 20 gallon tank, but I always make them a bit shorter, so the geckos can bask on the top under the heat lamp. I take two 10's to put them next to each other for my bigger tanks. My geckos like them :main_yes: And it looks very natural.


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