My New Gecko


New Member
Chicago Suburbs
Hey guys,

I got this little one last Saturday - sold to me as an unsexed "Diablo Blanco", but after looking at pictures to compare, I've come to the realization that it's more than likely a Blazing Blizzard, or something like that.

A little short history:
It's been pretty much hell getting this thing to eat - I've tried everything. Mealworms, Supers, Crickets, Tong Feeding, Blockade Feeding, Etc, Etc. So today I figured I'd try crickets again - but this time with chopsticks. Finally got it to take a cricket via the chops. So I was pretty happy, figure I'll try again tomorrow using the same method. I'm still a little concerned about this gecko though, but I guess only time will tell.

I managed to take a picture (this thing is fast). And after it suicide jumped out of my hands while trying to put it back in its enclosure I decided that was enough. I just hope it dosen't have brain damage now, although it only jumped a few feet onto carpet - but still.

Anyways, here it is - any guidance to what exactly this little guy/gal may be would be greatly appreciated; thanks for looking, too!


Active Member
Southern Illinois
Diablo Blancos have red eyes; yours doesn't, so Blazing Blizzard would work. It's a pretty baby! I never had to feed a hatchling with tongs or chop sticks... how difficult!! It should really eat on its own. Doesn't it go hissing and running after everything that moves? I hope it starts eating for you soon :main_yes:



New Member
Chicago Suburbs
Thanks for the replies guys,

I was told by a few people that it still has the possibility of being a DB, so I guess it's still up in the air. I'll be take more pictures of it soon.

@LZRDGRL Thanks! I hope so too. Got it at the expo in Wheaton - not sure if you still go there?
And as far as hissing/going after prey - it seems more scared and cautious than anything. But like I said, when I handled it for the short amount of time that I did, it was super fast - not aggressive with me.

@rawdawg, 45$

@Thor, Thanks! The tail seems more pinkish, not totally pink though - the picture makes it looks much more pink than it is in reality.
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dont worry about it not eating right away. lots of reptiles generally take 1-2 weeks at least to adjust to their new surroundings/settings


Ghoulish Geckos
Do you know who you got it from at the show? Maybe you can ask them some background questions (what did it eat, what were the parents, etc). I've missed the Wheaton show for the past couple months, so I'm not sure who has been vending lately.

It's a cute baby. I hope it starts eating for you soon.


New Member
Chicago Suburbs
I had a pretty sucessful feeding last night - It was pretty late in the evening and I filled up a dish of mealworms like I usually do - and saw my gecko out and about so I decided to wave around a mealie with the chopstick again. Sure enough it ate about 7 of them with the chop stick method. I tried dropping them in front/around the gecko - but no luck. Oh well though! I don't mind, as long as it's eating. It missed a few times, latching onto the chopstick tip once.

@Kristi, his name is escaping me right now. I haven't been there in several years, but I remember this guy from way back when and I know several people who have dealt with him over the years as well. Do you know if you'll be vending/selling there at any point in the next few months?


New Member
Chicago Suburbs
Update: My gecko is officially eating. Ate another 5 or 6 mealies tonight via the chopsticks.

As for a name... Kuaizi seems appropriate. (Chopsticks in Chinese).


Ghoulish Geckos
@Kristi, his name is escaping me right now. I haven't been there in several years, but I remember this guy from way back when and I know several people who have dealt with him over the years as well. Do you know if you'll be vending/selling there at any point in the next few months?

I'm not sure. I've never sold at shows before (just delivered geckos). It will all depend on how my online sales go. So far, I've been able to sell everything that way.

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