My new geckos!!!




Hey everybody I just wanted to share pics of my two new leopard geckos. Any ideas on morph?? I got these guys at petco for 15 each, the orange gecko had a very nice fat tail and the smaller one has a nice looking tail so far, looked slightly fatter than the other really small guys there, plus I like his stripes.

The smaller one just shed as well, I had no.idea it was coming, didnt look like he was getting white and I woke up the next morning and he was fully shed all by himself, I'm also convinced the older gecko helped him, (seems to treat the its own child) they have been skidish for the past few days so I haven't attempted to.hold them until today and they both did great, a little touchy to first get picked up but then seemed like they didn't want to be let down lol. Let ne know what you guys think and also before I forget....any name suggestions

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Active Member
Southern Illinois
The first one looks like a Hypo Tangerine, and the second one is a Mack Snow. You can only put geckos of the same size together, and only if you're absolutely sure that both are females (unless you want to breed). Your Mack Snow is too small to be in the same cage with the Tang; it might get bullied, especially at feeding time!

Also, new geckos need to be quarantined for at least a month. Your Tang looks fine with a nice thick tail, but the Mack Snow has a slightly deflated, thinner tail which would worry me. If you have two 10 gallon tanks, you'd be better off separating them immediately, so you can give one of them a chance to grow, observe it whether it eats/poops well and has no parasites, and to make sure that both are females. They're big enough to tell; just look under their tail. If you see V-shaped dark pores and two bulges, it's a male; otherwise, a female.

Geckos don't treat smaller ones as "children" ;) They have no parenting instincts. They could even eat their hatchlings if left in with them. Just be careful. Those are nice geckos :main_yes:



New Member
I actually picked up a few leos from petco too. Females... Who can pass up 15 bucks..... I would for sure separate them. It will help the little one to grow better and faster.


I have them together since they were together at petco, also I should be able to tell if the bigger one is female or not but the other is alot smaller and I didnt think was old enough to sex??

So far they both seen fine together they have never hissed at eachother or tried to fight, they seem like the always want to be together as ridiculous as that sounds, they r really never apart inside the tank

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