My new Giant Leopards


New Member
These are my new Giants I just picked up a few days ago. The female needs to put on alot of weight and the male doesnt look like hes at his best either. But after a few weeks w/ me they will be looking great. The first pic is the male, the second is the female


Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
I would get them checked for worms. For a male and female both to be that thin i would rule out it being parasites. I got a gecko this year and since I have the means and know how of detecting and identifying most parasites I was able to catch a mild pin worm infection. That breeder was informed and referred to a vet to get treatment for their colonies...we will see what they do. Moral of the story isto just get ithem checked because you never know. They look like they will be nice though.


New Member
They have no parasites or worms. They are from a pet store. They werent fed very often and the female kept laying and went off feeding. The male has a good appetite and the female is doing better. They are on roaches now, so im expecting them to gain weight pretty fast. Shes eating now that shes separated from the male.


New Member
"They have no parasites or worms. They are from a pet store."

Doesn't that make them MORE LIKELY to have parasites since they could possibly be exposed to other geckos/other species of captive bred animals from various sources or imported reptiles?

Also, how do you know they are genetic "giants"? Just pointing out the obvious, that if the store wasn't feeding them regularly, how can they be trusted on genetics and/or health of their animals?

I wish you the best with them.



New Member
thanks for the help guys/gals, and sorry if I wasn't clear before, It looks like I mistyped a word that might make u think they werent fed. I put fed instead of feeding. So they werent feeding well, at least the female b/c she kept laying eggs.She went off of feeding. They have not been housed together for some time now, but she continued to lay. They ARE seperated, and I will continue to monitor feeding to ensure that weight is put back on....... I didnt feel the need to go into detail But here goes. I live in San Antonio and the Giants from the petstore were bought directly from Ron Tremper as Genetic Giants. They were not housed w/ any other animals since purchased from him except each other. I have purchases MULTIPLE animals from Ron and have never had a issue w/ parasites or worms. Also Ron has never sold something that wasnt what he claimed it was. In my 20ish years of experience I also have the means to detect and identify most parasites so I am sure they dont have any. The pet store is also a very reputable reptile pet store here is San Antonio. And ran by a very close friend of mine. Thanks for all your input.


RT supplies alot of "pet stores" in Texas. I also have a Giant Raptor that came from a store in DFW that was purchased in a wholesale lot from RT. She has since PROVEN giant over the past several years.

It does happen, but not very often.


Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
I hate to sound like im being critical of you or doubt your abilities but I see a lot of things in that post which dont make sense or are false (maybe unknowingly to you but false none the less). You have 20ish years of experience but are only 25...I find it hard to believe that at 5 years old you were studying and understanding clinical signs of parasites. I wont mention anything about Ron never selling something that wasn't genetically correct. Also I can understand females dropping that much weight during a season (most wont if they are healthy but some will)...but the male has NO reason to be that thin if he was fed and is considered healthy. This is why I first suggested getting a fecal on them. I am not discrediting your local pet store or the genetics from which you say they derived from.

I (from the perspective of someone who works in the veterinary field and breeder myself) just would strongly suggest that you not rule out that they MAY be sick. Its a good sign that they are eating and they may be thin due to poor care at the pet store, so maybe give them time and see how they fill in. The gecko I mentioned I got this year that was indeed positive for parasites was from a "Big" breeder. Dont rule it out purely because of who you got it from. A lot of the time people wont know or notice it and they honestly didnt know it was ill or infested. Clinical signs may not always be visible but with stress from shipping and so on can allow for the parasites to take over.

Nice geckos though...just keep an eye on them.


New Member
ok, first. These were bought AS Genetic GIANTS. They were not bought in a lot. They were picked out at Rons for this pet store. Im not sure why pet stores are in quotations, when mentioning that Ron supplies alot of pet stores in Texas w/ animals...But... ok....I also dont know where that im 25 years old came from, lol I wish. Maybe next time you should read my info a little better. B/c now it will show that im "26", lol. I have enough experience to be able to look at these and also tell by looking at them and their body like their extra long torso, and tail for example as compared to a reg leo that its a giant. I never rule out that they didnt have parasites. As stated they do not have any. Also they were not shipped. It was a 30 min drive to pick them up. So maybe a little more paying attention to what is posted by me would help with all the "advise" that is being given to me. Thanks for the warm welcome


Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
I did accidentally see your post count as age...thats fine ill admit that. Those geckos were shipped (at minimum by vehicle) unless Ron Tremper has a breeding group at this pet store...which that statement was in fact helping to your side not mine. You are going about this as though I am attacking you which is quite ridiculous because I have far better things to do than squabble over something on the internet. I was simply trying to help you and help you make sure your geckos were healthy. I stated before that I was not debating your genetics...but a long torso and tail can be a big gecko but not a genetic giant. I have a 123g male which is not giant at all...just a big boy. This is a male of mine that has been breeding all year for me with 5 different females. He also has been off food for almost 20 days now
You can see why the appearance of your male caught me as suspicious or of reasonable suspicion.

Read my first response and tell me where it feels as though its an attack or something in which you need to get defensive or feel it was something other than informative. At no point of time have I meant anything in an aggressive manner or degraded the quality of your animals. So your "warm welcome" from me was simply trying to look after your animals. I understand they are like kids and we get defensive of our animals, but I even complimented them in my post (which was sincere about them going to turn out nice).

O well. If you would like to personally discuss this more please feel free to PM me with anything else you would like to say or debate about with me. Sucks when advice is taken the wrong way, but such is life eh.


New Member
If your asking if those are crickets yes, lol and no your rite they are not roaches:main_laugh:


New Member
north east ohio
i think that all EG was doing was trying to help, and you may have taken it wrong...maybe go back and try to see it from thier point of view...i read it twice and i feel that you may have jumped on the defense a little quick. i dont like everything i have heard on here...but please just realize that everyone on this forum(for the most part) only wants to help people out, including before you get all jumpy on someone, just realize the ONLY goal was helping you. i agree about the parasites, and the only way you can tell is by a fecal...not, "i just know"......i too started out with reptiles at a very young age. i aquired my first python when i was nine, and bred colubrids when i was twelve, im 34 now...but some of your statements were kinda...silly. so just because you have been doing this a while, does not mean you have to "know everything"...i have bred green tree pythons and some other very difficult species, but i am a newbie at leopards, and i have NO problem admitting that, or asking LET people help you, it will only help you and your animals! good luck and i hope your animals thrive!


New Member
Well the door swings both ways. Its all in the way a question is asked. And quotations are for when you are quoting someone. I never said "I just know". I said they dont have parasites/worms. Nobody ever asked how I knew. I didnt feel I needed to explain how I knew or the entire health background of my Leos. But of course thats wrong of me right. And I seem to have been "jumped on" about them being genetic Giant. I mean was this comment: "Also, how do you know they are genetic "giants"? Just pointing out the obvious, that if the store wasn't feeding them regularly, how can they be trusted on genetics and/or health of their animals?"--really necessary. Alot of what was said, I feel could of been said better and questions could of been asked before people assumed. And people should of had their facts straight before I was told I was a 25 yrs old and that it was hard to believe that at 5 years old I was studying and understanding clinical signs of parasites. Was that really needed if all they were trying to do was help. I hope you can understand how I felt as well. But its fine, I just didnt expect it to be like this on this forum. Lesson learned..... i mean saying they are nice leos after saying everything you think I did wrong is kinda like talladega nights when Ricky Bobby says w/ all do respect and then totally insults that guy, lol....its just childish. And asking "Oh and I see crickets not roaches in your tubs?" Thats not even a question. What was the point of that? Like its not possible that I feed roaches and crickets...There again do I have to explain myself and why there were crickets in the Leos tubs. Should I have explained my whole feeding process that I hand feed roaches to make sure there is food being consumed and then I leave crickets in w/ them for them to eat on their own too. I didnt post pics of my leos for all this drama, was just a post, hey look at Giant leos...thats it. Not pic apart my post and the pics I posted. Im just saying....


New Member
Central Texas
Well the door swings both ways. Its all in the way a question is asked. And quotations are for when you are quoting someone. I never said "I just know". I said they dont have parasites/worms. Nobody ever asked how I knew. I didnt feel I needed to explain how I knew or the entire health background of my Leos. But of course thats wrong of me right. And I seem to have been "jumped on" about them being genetic Giant. I mean was this comment: "Also, how do you know they are genetic "giants"? Just pointing out the obvious, that if the store wasn't feeding them regularly, how can they be trusted on genetics and/or health of their animals?"--really necessary. Alot of what was said, I feel could of been said better and questions could of been asked before people assumed. And people should of had their facts straight before I was told I was a 25 yrs old and that it was hard to believe that at 5 years old I was studying and understanding clinical signs of parasites. Was that really needed if all they were trying to do was help. I hope you can understand how I felt as well. But its fine, I just didnt expect it to be like this on this forum. Lesson learned..... i mean saying they are nice leos after saying everything you think I did wrong is kinda like talladega nights when Ricky Bobby says w/ all do respect and then totally insults that guy, lol....its just childish. And asking "Oh and I see crickets not roaches in your tubs?" Thats not even a question. What was the point of that? Like its not possible that I feed roaches and crickets...There again do I have to explain myself and why there were crickets in the Leos tubs. Should I have explained my whole feeding process that I hand feed roaches to make sure there is food being consumed and then I leave crickets in w/ them for them to eat on their own too. I didnt post pics of my leos for all this drama, was just a post, hey look at Giant leos...thats it. Not pic apart my post and the pics I posted. Im just saying....

Analysis of this whole thing:
You posted pictures of "giants" that look unhealthy... Then you say you got them from a trusted store. (because Ron Tremper gives them geckos), then someone suggest that it may have a parasite and you flat out get very offended.... Which makes me thinks your being childish.... Then I read what you had posted and just pointed out things that didnt fit. Which I have ever right to do.... And you have a right to get bent out of shape over people trying to help. But you can't tell me my posts weren't valid or had no point... I was merely asking questions...


Ghoulish Geckos
Well the door swings both ways. Its all in the way a question is asked. And quotations are for when you are quoting someone. I never said "I just know". I said they dont have parasites/worms. Nobody ever asked how I knew. I didnt feel I needed to explain how I knew or the entire health background of my Leos. But of course thats wrong of me right. And I seem to have been "jumped on" about them being genetic Giant. I mean was this comment: "Also, how do you know they are genetic "giants"? Just pointing out the obvious, that if the store wasn't feeding them regularly, how can they be trusted on genetics and/or health of their animals?"--really necessary. Alot of what was said, I feel could of been said better and questions could of been asked before people assumed. And people should of had their facts straight before I was told I was a 25 yrs old and that it was hard to believe that at 5 years old I was studying and understanding clinical signs of parasites. Was that really needed if all they were trying to do was help. I hope you can understand how I felt as well. But its fine, I just didnt expect it to be like this on this forum. Lesson learned..... i mean saying they are nice leos after saying everything you think I did wrong is kinda like talladega nights when Ricky Bobby says w/ all do respect and then totally insults that guy, lol....its just childish. And asking "Oh and I see crickets not roaches in your tubs?" Thats not even a question. What was the point of that? Like its not possible that I feed roaches and crickets...There again do I have to explain myself and why there were crickets in the Leos tubs. Should I have explained my whole feeding process that I hand feed roaches to make sure there is food being consumed and then I leave crickets in w/ them for them to eat on their own too. I didnt post pics of my leos for all this drama, was just a post, hey look at Giant leos...thats it. Not pic apart my post and the pics I posted. Im just saying....

You are getting way too angry and defensive for no reason. I agree with everything that has been stated by others. It doesn't take much stress for a gecko's parasite load to get too high. Not eating much, breeding, new homes, etc can all do it. I bought from a very good breeder years ago and that gecko's levels went too high. It doesn't matter who they are from. They look too thin and should be tested now and again in a couple weeks.

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