I have had Trex for a week, we bought him at a local pet store. He was sold as a "baby" he is about 4-5" long. We bought him small crickets to eat because my Mom read online we shouldn't feed the big ones as small as he was because he could choke on them. We also bought a jar of Gecko Food (dead flies of some time, can't remember what kind at the moment). After 6 days of him not eating my Mom and I went to the pet store and she asked them what he was used to eating and told them he hadn't ate since we took him home. They suggested the large crickets and meal worms, so she bought both. She also got a small jar of chicken baby food to try handfeeding him. She put small dabs on his lips and he licked it off, she fed him that until he didn't seem to want anymore. We left 2 meal worms and 2 of the small crickets in his cage over night. In the am when she got up she didn't see the meal worms anywhere, but the small crickets were still there. Later on when she came into check on Trex and Zilla (Beardie) she noticed the 2 meal worms in a little pile on the edge. Is it possible that he ate them and they still looked like meal worms after he passed them? I have one of the larger crickets and one meal worm in the tank overnight to see if he eats them tonight. I also haven't noticed any droppings in his cage after the first few days. (unless that is what the meal worms were today) My Mom read that after they come to a new home they can be a bit stressed and might not eat. Well I don't know if he is stressed, but I sure am. What would you advice from here? And thank you for your time.