My new leopard gecko


New Member

can anyone tell me if my gecko is a juvenile or sub adult by looking at him

i misplaced my ruler

i bought him as a juvenile gecko for 30 bucks but he seems bigger than a juvenile gecko, he eats like sub adult

also do you think he is able to eat a hornworm, thats about the size of 2 waxworms just by looking at him?


plus add suggestions for my new 55 gallon tank please
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Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
That would be a sub-adult. Yes you can feed it horn worms (small/medium in size). As for the tank their are so many options on how you can decorate a tank that big...really just depends on how much you wanna spend.


New Member
Elgin, Tx
I've got Griff in a 55gal. Hot hide on one side, moist hide in the middle of the tank and 2 cool hides on the other side. Then there's a piece of wood for him to climb on and I'm in the process of making a second story type area for him to travel to as well.

As stated above, it's all in how much you want to spend and clean.


New Member
I've got Griff in a 55gal. Hot hide on one side, moist hide in the middle of the tank and 2 cool hides on the other side. Then there's a piece of wood for him to climb on and I'm in the process of making a second story type area for him to travel to as well.

As stated above, it's all in how much you want to spend and clean.

yea i might add a second story

and another leopard gecko

im trying to find a good dealer though, its hard

the pet stores here in michigan have some sickly looking geckos for sale

tail all shriveled and skinny

i lucked out in finding this guy with a fat tail

took the first one i bought back, because he wasnt eating
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