Thanks! He's a great guy. I've had him since February '07. When I brought him home, he weighed 250 grams. Today, he weighs 1360 grams. I don't remember him ever refusing a meal. He isn't all that long or all that thick, but he's very strong.
I moved Duncan to a new cage tonight. He's been in a twenty gallon, but I think he needs something bigger. The first picture was taken before I finished making modifications, but the three together give a good feel for his new home.
Anything that I label as "old" came from his previous cage. I'm hoping that by including two of his previous water bowls, two plants, and his favorite hide, I can help him feel more at home in the new cage.
I enjoy giving them plenty of hides to see which ones they'll use and when they'll use them. Typically, they just pick a favorite or two and stay there, but sometimes they'll move a bit.