So this is my first year breeding i have all my geckos and there ready to go. i have one male aptor het raptor and 2 females that are aptor het raptor and one aptor female hets unknown if there are any...
obvously im going to start later in the season since i just got my new arivals last month. and im quartening them currently all seems normal. they are all doing really well nice and fat and great eaters their waste is normal looking and they are all very nice and plump expecally my male.
i have one rack that there all in it has enough room for babies and im investing in another rack that holds 40 qt tubs instead of 20 qt the geckos just seem to like more room so im going to give it to them since there my babies lol. itll also make it more confuy for the laying females and my male since theyll want more room. so next week or the week after im getting the rack and im ordering the heat tape and stuff for it this week some time so i can have it all ready to go.
on my one rack i have a herp stat 2. theres one prob for the one rack and one prob for the incubator. on my second rack im trying to save some money so im going with an A life reptile eletronic temp. contorler and see how that works.
i have a herbavator incubator its nothing special but i only have 4 femals and one male im breeding so it should be fine for my little operation i have going so far. i am using perlite incubation medium since it seems to work well for other breeders i have tlked to.
all my geckos eat dusted crickets and mealies i change it up depending on what my mealie colony looks like and how many crickets i have.
any sugestions or comments that might help me i would love or if u find anything i can change to make my life easyer is apperaciated greatly please comment sry its so long lol
obvously im going to start later in the season since i just got my new arivals last month. and im quartening them currently all seems normal. they are all doing really well nice and fat and great eaters their waste is normal looking and they are all very nice and plump expecally my male.
i have one rack that there all in it has enough room for babies and im investing in another rack that holds 40 qt tubs instead of 20 qt the geckos just seem to like more room so im going to give it to them since there my babies lol. itll also make it more confuy for the laying females and my male since theyll want more room. so next week or the week after im getting the rack and im ordering the heat tape and stuff for it this week some time so i can have it all ready to go.
on my one rack i have a herp stat 2. theres one prob for the one rack and one prob for the incubator. on my second rack im trying to save some money so im going with an A life reptile eletronic temp. contorler and see how that works.
i have a herbavator incubator its nothing special but i only have 4 femals and one male im breeding so it should be fine for my little operation i have going so far. i am using perlite incubation medium since it seems to work well for other breeders i have tlked to.
all my geckos eat dusted crickets and mealies i change it up depending on what my mealie colony looks like and how many crickets i have.
any sugestions or comments that might help me i would love or if u find anything i can change to make my life easyer is apperaciated greatly please comment sry its so long lol