My Submission Services



After successfully setting up many internet stores that rank highly in search engines, I have started offering my search engine optimization services to others.

This is not meant to be an ad. I'm looking for opinions on the layout and design. I will be offering a basic package as a geckoforums promotion for free or perhaps auctioned off to benefit reptile related causes in the near future.

Hope you guys like it

Jeremy Letkey

Jaded by reality!!
outta my freakin mind
I personally, am not very qualified to give an expert opinion. I am however very qualified to give you a laypersons point of view.

The site looks fine to me. I was/am a little confused as to what you are offering and why I would need it????

After a little research, I do understand the basic concept, although I think you might try to explain it better on your site so someone (like me) doesn't have to look elsewhere to understand.


New Member
I'm not exactly sure what the legal issues are or whatever, but it would be alot more appealing if you told the customer where exactly their going to see their ad pop up and how often etc. Rather that to just expect the customer to pay $100+ for your word on how the traffic will increase and will apear on many _______.

my two cents, site has a nice simple layout though :)


They're not paying for ad placement. But you're right, I should explain better for the novice what exactly these services do, however most people searching for the service I provide know exactly why they need it.

Basically, google and other search engines try to provide search results that are filled with high quality websites. One of the primary ways they can measure quality is by identifying sites that have a lot of other relevent websites linking to it.

For instance, ranks #1 in search results for "buy gutloaded mealworms"

well you see my signature line here, right? What words are in the hyperlink?

Google assumes that is the best place to buy gutloaded mealworms. And that's because other websites tell it so by linking to it. This is thanks to a loyal customer base that publically recommend us and thanks to my efforts with search engine optimization.

Now look at my services, where I am providing thousands of links on thousands of websites. This involves a ton of work on my part, both in physically creating accounts on relevent websites and submitting links as well as in my knowledge how to utilize keywords to maximize results.


New Member
thanks for explaining,

Sorry I didn't mean to seem rude or to shut down your business plan or whatever, to tell you the truth it looks like a good business to be and and do :) I wish you luck and maybe someday I'll be looking for your services :) your site has its place under my favorites :)


New Member
I like the basic layout. It's very simple which prevents it from being cluttered.

I'm just not a fan of services that submit your site like that; it just doesn't seem to be worth the money for me, but I am aware of the benefits of search engine traffic. But there are other ways around it besides paying for services. Hopefully, you'll be profitable with it.


depends how much your time is worth.
there is no such thing as free. I have yet to find a free method that was white hat and effective.
maybe you think allowing hubpages to share profits with you is free but I find it to be less than ideal.

time is money. the service i'm offering will pay me about 5/hr if we only factor in one year. obviously even less as each year passes.


New Member
I'm not talking about HubPages one bit. I'm talking in general websites. I don't really focus on traffic with my Hubs.


New Member
I want to clarify. Although, I don't focus on traffic towards my hubs, I do love the traffic, as the traffic brings possible revenue.

But for submission services, there are sites that do it for free, which is what I meant by for me it's not really worth the money. But, I do give you good wishes at your services.


Find one that does it for free and is both white hat and effective that provides even half the level of service or quality of links that my service provides.

This is not duplicate content on PR0 sites.

Regardless, you have turned a discussion about a layout and clarification of the purpose behind it into an attack on my charging for services that simply can't be found anywhere, let alone for free! Do you know anyone that for free will submit your website to article directories, social bookmarking sites, and link directories once a week, every week for years to come? My service is worth much more than I am charging, I am not even making minimum wage from my clients!


New Member
I'm not going to discuss this further in this forum, as you're right we've turned this layout question into somethign further. You know my position, and I understand yours. I wish you luck, and if you want to further the discussion PM me. I just don't want this to further in your thread for layout questions.

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