My very first Leo! :D


Winchester, UK
congrats :)

The Mack snow is a morph of gecko that is only carrying one of the snow gene. Mack snows typically appear to have a little yellow frosting. kind of like their normal colours have faded away. The "super snows" are carrying two of the snow genes making them totally white and black, and have jet black eyes!


Active Member
Southern Illinois
It tells you that if you breed your Mack Snow (named after their inventor) to a Normal, you have a 50% chance of hatching Mack Snow babies (the other 50% will be Normals), because it is a dominant gene. If you acquire another Mack Snow and breed it with yours, you have the chance of getting Mack Super Snows in addition to Snows, which are white geckos with lots of black spots and solid black eyes, like this one.

As babies, Mack Snows are white and black banded, in contrast to Normals, which are yellow and black banded. When they are adults, it is sometimes hard to tell Mack Snows and Normals apart, since they both are yellowish with a varying degree of spots and bands, so you would have to test-breed them. But sometimes, it's very clear to see, like in your case. They have more lavender in their bands and are thus distinguishable from Normals (the Wild Type, as they exist in their natural habitat, the rocky deserts of Pakistan and India).

Here's a little test for you (and others): from the two adult geckos below, which one is a Normal, and which one is a Mack Snow??? They are sisters (clutch mates) from the pairing of a Wild Caught female and a Mack Snow Enigma male.

Gecko A

Gecko B

(I know, of course, since I saw them as hatchlings!!) Here they are as hatchlings: one baby and the other baby

(P.S. The solution is in the link name!)


What exactly is a Mack Snow?
What does that mean?
I know it's a morph.
But what tells you that?
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