NARBC Pickups


Spotted Shadow
Western Montana
I'm soooo jealous :( I was so excited for this show, but unexpected plans came up and now I absolutely cannot go...

Eh, I've been to two Super Shows this summer though, so I'll be fine... for a while :evilgrin:

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Hey Joey! Thanks so much for stopping by the Golden Gate Geckos booth at the NARBC Show and picking up one of my Blizzards!
From what I understand of two headed reptiles, they both need to be fed because their brain instinctively tells them they have to eat to survive, but only half of a meal since they share a stomach.
I know the person who has this beardie and she says both need fed, and get upset when one eats and the other doesn't. They even squabble sometimes over who wants to go where, but otherwise seem very healthy and chill.


Spotted Shadow
Western Montana
Marcia, for the longest time I was so excited to see you at this expo, so sad I couldn't come. I went to the '10 NARBC on a Sunday. You probably don't remember me at all, but I remember you let me hold one of your geckos (I think it was a SS Albino...Tremper maybe) and were telling me the breeding outcomes of my two geckos if I bred them together. Yes, I remember things.

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