Need a little advice


New Member
So this is day 2 of owning a leo. She's a baby, so she's pretty skittish. Eating is fine, drinking is fine. Only problem is she's staying on the cool side of the tank, but I guess I don't really know if this is a bad thing or not, that's why I'm asking for advice. I'm using a Zoo Med heat mat with temp controls, so surface temp is like 85 on the warm side, and its around 89 in the hide. But cool side is around 75 in/out of hide! Will she start to explore a little more, or should I try and scare her over to the warm side?:eek:

Thanks from a new owner!!


New Member
San Diego, CA
It sounds like your temps are good. It sounds like you have a good thermometer(s). I know some breeders keep their warm side hotter, some keep them cooler, but only by 5 or so degrees at most. My hypothesis is that she was accustomed to a lower temperature for the warm side. Are you able to find out what the previous setup's temps were? Has she defecated while you have had her? I imagine that if she is eating and drinking regularly, she is likely doing well and has gotten over the stress of changed environment, but will slowly acclimate to a warmer basking area temperature. Are the hides on the warm and cool sides identical? She may just prefer the size/shape/orientation of the cool side hide also. You could potentially switch their locations and see.
I try to not mess with the setup too much during the first few weeks after a gecko comes home, but eating and drinking well is usually my indicator that stress levels are lower.
Just my two cents. I hope something in there is helpful. ;)


New Member
Great, thank you! We got her from a breeder, and I think previous temps were a constant 76, they just had them in a plastic container with paper towels. The hides are similar but not identical. I think we'll plan on waiting a week or so to see if she adjusts.


New Member
Maybe she likes the other hide more. They like hides that are very dark inside with little or no light coming in. I'm sure she'll explore the tank as she becomes more comfortable.

Mine don't like it when I move things around though. They are like "umm.. I'm pretty sure there was a cave here in this spot..!? Where did it go?!!" I guess they are very good at memorizing their surroundings in their territory so they know how to get home.


New Member
Hopefully it'll work out alright. She had taken a liking to the hide on the warm side, but I had to lift it up to get her out and into a critter keeper when I was moving the tank. I think it might have scared her a little.


New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri
Being that you have just acquired the gecko, it may need a bit more time to acclimate to their environment. I wouldn't do anything except raise the hot side temp but that's my opinion. There are many opinions as to the right temperature of a hot side but I do believe that it should be at least 92+. Most of mine are around 95 give or take a degree or two. Also, a breeder who keeps his temps at a constant 76 degrees may not be the best breeder to get any more geckos from. This wouldn't allow any heat gradient in the enclosure and isn't good for any reptiles in general.

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