Need Advice on my Part Paralized dog "ONYX"




Just wanted to let everyone know that my Onyx had to be put to sleep on March 30, 07 She was so much worse, muscle tone on both hind legs was gone, she lost so much weight I could feel her ribs and backbone, because she wouldn't eat much, She was having accidents more in the house then a few days before she was put to sleep her bladder was so full and she couldn't go. I hadn't seen a stool for a few days and then the night before I saw alittle blood on her doggy pad and she wimpers alittle. She was ready, I know because the day before she got down close to the woods and I feel she was trying to go away to die. She went peacefully my face in hers and she licked me until the very end! I miss her so much but I know I had to do it. I had her since she was born and she turned 10 on Jan 24th. I put her to sleep the day before my birthday because I didn't want to wait 3-4 more days since it was friday and then the weekend and Monday I had to go to the hospital. I am having her creamated and they are making her a beautiful wood box with her name plate in gold. That way she can be with me forever. I wanted to thank everyone who wrote to me about my beloved Onyx. Her AKC name was NIKIYA'S VOODOO BLACK MAGIC because she was solid black. Nikiya is my daughters name and she was only 2 when Onyx was born. Just wanted everyone to know Thank you!! Deb:( :(


she's at peace now, and I'm sure you have plenty of pictures and memories of her that will always keep her close to your heart


I am so very sorry to read of your loss
I think that you know how close to home that this is for me with my Sheba and i am sitting here with tears streaming down my face and looking at my little girl
I do agree that your beloved Onyx is at peace BUT that in no way makes it any easier on you and the absolute hole in your heart

Deb-please do PM me or e-mail me if you would like to talk
We can even chat on the phone-I have unlimited LD

Again-I can't express how sorry that I am for your loss


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