Thanks Aliza,I think I was the person who questioned whether this was an enigma on another forum (or this one, I don't remember). Here is the leopardgeckowiki article: Enigma - Leopard Gecko Wiki
I still don't think it's an enigma. The article says that the tails are usually nearly completely white at hatching. I also seem to remember (am not going to take the time to do the research, though) that the head and body tended to have a few large, irregular blotches. I think you have a Mack snow with the stripe gene. I'd call it a jungle. I've hatched a lot of geckos, frequently but not exclusively Mack snows that have the dark circles on the tail instead of bands. I think it's another stripe/jungle variation of broken bands.
You might also have a snow storm from crossing the TUG and Mack together. They tend to be much bolder looking.