Need advice


New Member
Hi guys, I'm new to this forum. I recently just became a first time leopard gecko parent. I literally just got Karliah a few days ago and she is a baby though idk how many weeks or months. I just have a few questions/ need advice on a few things and I hope this is the correct forum to post to. First off Im wondering how long it will take her to feel more comfortable because I feel bad. She's noticable a little scared of me and I'm giving her her space so she can get comfortable but, what will happen is sometimes I'll briefly catch her outside of her warm hide but the moment she sees me she scurries full sprint back into her warm hide. The other question is the couple times I've noticed her, her skin seems to get paler which I'm assuming means she's either preparing or is shedding but, she doesn't go into her moist hide. She did when I first brought her home but I think that was she got a little overly warm during the ten min car ride to my house. She rarely leaves the warm hide And so I'm worried that if she doesn't use it she will have shedding problems so I'm not sure what to do about that. And also any other thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Young leopard geckos may spend nearly all their time hiding which would protect them from predators in the wild. Some leopard geckos never want to come out but many of them get braver as they mature. Talk to her, let her hear your voice and periodically put your hand in there (even if she doesn't come out) so she gets used to you. Be patient.
Not every leopard gecko goes into the humid hide to shed. Give her a chance to see how it goes.
Read care sheets to get a variety of opinions and choices about how to care for a young leopard gecko, Enoy her,



New Member
Young leopard geckos may spend nearly all their time hiding which would protect them from predators in the wild. Some leopard geckos never want to come out but many of them get braver as they mature. Talk to her, let her hear your voice and periodically put your hand in there (even if she doesn't come out) so she gets used to you. Be patient.
Not every leopard gecko goes into the humid hide to shed. Give her a chance to see how it goes.
Read care sheets to get a variety of opinions and choices about how to care for a young leopard gecko, Enoy her,

Thank you.


New Member
Forney, Tx
My moon was skittish at first, but now he's out all the time and he comes when I call to him. He's a happy boy. And he never wants his moist hide, as our house is humid anyway...

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