Need Advice


Well-Known Member
I think I saw her drink today. She dipped her nose slightly in the water bowl, then shot off after another cricket. She did eat today too, just not yesterday, so I guess I'll be feeding her every other day.

We are excited to see the changes, if she loses the white so be it :). Like I said before, I thought all leopard geckos looked exactly like her! I have noticed the white band on her head seems brighter today then it was when we first got her, but maybe I wasn't paying close attention before. The rest of her is pretty much the same. Today she fell asleep curled up in my hand. I'm hoping this means she will be a fairly mellow critter.
Yeah there is a lot to learn. Leopard geckos can be het which means they carry hidden Colors and genes. So when they breed theres the chance of there off spring having those colors visible. Sort of like my Dad has blue eyes and my Mom has brown. My child may have Blue eyes because my dad does. So its a hidden trait, Not sure if that example helped understand though. By the way if you want to check out some new cool morphs google Tangerine Tornado, Sunglow, Black Pearl, Blizzard morphs.


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3 Year Member
The Black Pearl is pretty. I was quite good at biology....recessive and dominate alleles were sonething I enjoyed learning about. Its been awhile but I remember enough to understand a fair amount of the morphs :)

Caleb C

New Member
Hacienda Heights, Ca
Mealworms can be refrigerated, so they're really easy to keep. They stop moving and pretty much fall asleep. Leopard geckos have different personalities, and seems like you got lucky :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah im in love with the Black pearl project, I forgot you should also check out Gecko Daddy's Halloween mask morph. It is Adorable! But like Caleb said you can keep Mealworms for 2 Weeks in a Fridge but make sure before feeding to leave them out so they wake up a bit so your gecko is more interested in the food. If they are kept cold in a fridge for more then 2 Weeks mark then put in a Moist potato so they can drink water from it once they wake up.


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3 Year Member
I have a question, suprise!!!! :)

I'm already having issues with the reptile carpet, the crickets keep worming their way underneath it and hiding til they die. Gross. Someone had mentioned tile somewhere amongst my enquires. Is it just ceramic tile? We have some left over from a project, and I would be willing to give it a go. Do I need something between the UTH and the tile? I'm worried it will get too hot and then burn Dora. Or is it a different type of tile all together? I really don't want to use paper towel, as it's so wasteful, but this carpet is ticking me off!

Also, I read that they usually pick an area to do thier 'business' in. Does this take some time? It seems like Dora is just pooping randomly!

And yet another (sorry!) when I fed her today I knocked a few crickets in the container, dusted them, and dumped them in her tank. I bought 2 week crickets, so I don't look to close. of them was a MONSTER cricket. Bigger then Dora's head! So I went to fetch it out and speedy beet me too it, she ate it in like, 7 or more bites. I was terrified she would choke! Is that a possibility? Can she nab a cricket so big she chokes? She didn't throw it up or anything, but let me tell you, I'll be checking the sizes before I feed her from now on!

Caleb C

New Member
Hacienda Heights, Ca
I've never used tile, but you should always monitor Dora while feeding her, crickets get hungry and will start picking at your leo. If she doesn't finish them, take them out of the tank. They should only poop in one corner of the tank, I use a typical toilet paper, I get two of them, fold it in half, and put it in the corner in which they poop. It's possible that they choke, people say to only feed insects as big as the space between their eyes, but imo, it seems a little small. Just make sure that it seems okay. Right now, you should only be feeding it baby crickets.


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3 Year Member
Well the 2 week ones are tiny, that's what they fed her at the pet store. She can eat them in a bite or two normally, but this cricket was the mother of all crickets! It must of jumped crates at the pet store or something. I do watch her while she eats, and then I have to go digging in the carpet edges for other crickets......and it must be disturbing for her. I don't want to use something disposable as I am a little bit of an enviroment nut :) So I wanted something reusable.


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3 Year Member
What would the forceps do? I could see one at a time, she is quick, and she has had no problems catching the crickets. It's just while she stalks one, two others run under the carpet. So I could see the one at a time helping as long as she spots it immediatley. I dumped in a cricket with one leg, and it was moving sort of slow, and she refused to eat it, so I had to scoop it back out.

Caleb C

New Member
Hacienda Heights, Ca
Put one in at a time, and put another in after she's done eating it. You can easily grab the cricket with forceps, as lots of people hate touching their feeder insects, and there's a smaller chance of it getting away, as to grabbing it with your hands.


Well-Known Member
Yeah don't leave insects unattended in the tank. They begin to bite at your geckos soft parts like there eyes and ears and try to eat them. So make sure you watch Dora eat them. No more then 3 - 4 Tiny Crickets. Make sure to dust with calcium because bone health becomes very important as they grow up. Mealworms carry a decent amount of calcium in there systems but may have to gut load.


New Member
British Columbia
I'm too lazy to read the other responses, so I might repeat a couple things.
First of all, it's great that you're looking for help, so don't feel bad if you mess up a little at the start.
I prefer reptile carpet, mostly because of the looks, and it's perfectly safe, but you might notice that they sometimes get their nails stuck. I use paper towels in the humid hide, it's not as messy as moss or anything like that. Under tank heat pads are very important, as it helps with digestion, they need belly heat to digest well. If the under tank heater is on, it should normally feel a little warm to the touch, and hot if lift the carpet and touch it directly.
I used a black takeout bowl as a hide, and cut a little hole in it, then flipped it upside down, and my leos like it more than the ones I bought.

Take pics! It's easiest to tell if you're doing anything wrong, or if there is anything you could possibly change.
Wow that gecko is BEAUTIFUL! LOVE the colour! Soooo orange.


Staff member
3 Year Member
I like that idea of reusing the takeout container for a hide. I bet your gecko loves that it's nice and dark inside!

Caleb C

New Member
Hacienda Heights, Ca
Thanks :p
Cost me $75 I believe, but it's pretty cheap considering how pretty she is.
The only problem with the takeout container is that it's really light, so i'll have to velcro it to the side.


New Member
3 Year Member
I need more advice oh wise ones!

So I bought mealworms. Only issue was they only sell them in the small size in groups of 50!! I know to refridgerate to induce hibernation and watm them up before feeding....but whats a mealworms life span? Are they going to die in 3 days? And can I feed them daily? Like, 2 crickets and a wotm as a meal? Also...I gut load my crickets with cricket feed and carrots and potatoes. But the mealworms came in a raw oatmeal type thing? Is that food? Is that alright? Last time I bought mealworms I was 15 and I got a few in a bag lol not 50 hiding in oatmeal!

Caleb C

New Member
Hacienda Heights, Ca
50 should be fine for your little leo, they can be refrigerated for weeks, i bring them out once every 3 weeks and feed them for an hour or two, then put them back in the fridge. They should be in oats or wheat bran, but sometimes they're in sawdust.

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