need expert help


New Member

Hi, I just rescued a gecko i think. it was in a rental home that was left abandoned. It has had any food or water for at least three weeks that i know for a fact of.....i don't even know how it is still alive! how can i save this little guy. I fed it six crickets just now, but what do i need to do next? Its little bones are sticking out...but he was able to catch several of the crickets.....please advise me as i have no experience with lizards...thank you
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Staff member
Somerville, MA
First, you have to accept the fact that it may not make it through fault of your own. I would recommend the following:

--take the sand out of the cage (if that's sand) and replace it with paper towel or ceramic tile (you can get floor tiles from Home Depot or equivalent)
--continue to give it food and water, whatever it will take
--go to the top of the page here and click on articles/caresheets. Read some leopard gecko caresheets so you know what the standard of care is. Be prepared that some of them will be contradictory; the places where they all agree are what you should do and use your judgement (or ours if you need it) for the rest
--if possible, find a reptile vet and take a stool sample to be analyzed for parasites
--if you have any other reptile pets, keep a strict quarantine so you don't spread a possible disease to the other pets.

Good luck,



New Member
would you recommend just moving it to a new tank and sterilize the one i have? also what is a good food to feed to help boost its stamina? yes it is horrible!!!! makes me wanna put the person that left it a tank and leave them there with no food and water....Heck they could have given it away......some people.....but what can ya do.....thanks for the help.....

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
It's definitely a male leopard gecko. Make sure ALL of his environmental needs are met, like proper heat, substrate, a bowl of water, and food. Don't overfeed him at first... he's emaciated and may regurgitate if he eats too much. Be patient, and do the best you can without expecting a miracle.


Neo Starpphire Enigma
try some easy to digest food- ie wax worms, silk worms- they are high in fat and should help him gain weight.
its cases like him and other neglected animal that make me NOT be an animal cop- i would be so nasty to those who would do things like this to animals )[ not enough justisce for these guys. thankyou so much for helping him ;)


New Member
please advise me as i have no experience with lizards...thank you

bless your heart for taking this on. +1 for all the advice so far. especially not feeding too much. you gotta start slow with such a starved animal!!

Please describe your set-up
heating source-

If your temps aren't right he won't be able to digest the food your giving him.


New Member
OK,I have read alot last night and saw they like on area around 85-90 so i put a heating pad under one side of the tank. he was in the little rock but has moved on top of it now so I'm guessing he is warm enough. As far as substrate its not sand or fine gravel. I'm not really sure what it is. It almost like cork, but it looks like gravel. if that makes any since. I also read you could feed crickets 24 hours before feeding to "load" them so i caught some black crickets last night in the yard and fed the fish food.....anymore advise is greatly appreciated.


New Member
Hope everything turns out well for your leopard. All the advise here is great. Especially the light feeding of wax worms. I would give him a good soak also. Good luck :)


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
When I take in a rescue in this condition, the first thing I do is get it in a warm soak for about 30 minutes. It gives them a chance to begin re-hydrating while being inspected for any stuck shed that needs to be removed. Then I put them in a clean ventilated plastic shoebox size tub with heat under one end, on paper towel, to observe for at least several days before moving to a larger container. A small quantity of feeder worms are offered twice a day. I lightly mist the warm end daily to create a more humid environment to encourage water intake, and they lick from the sides. After a week I begin a parasite treatment if they have been eating and gaining strength.

It's great that your boy is eating on his own! Wild caught insects pose a threat in that they may have been treated with pesticides or exposed to fertilizers that can harm captive animals, as well as carry diseases. A container of feeder worms is just a few bucks at the pet shop, get mealworms or superworms. I don't recommend waxworms because they're high in fat and low in nutrition, aka junk food, and since your boy is happy to eat, he needs food that's good for him to regain his health.

I hope he pulls thru for you! Good luck :)

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Be careful collecting wild insects for food. Many of our outdoor bugs have been exposed to insecticides and fertilizers, which could be toxic to the gecko. You're better off going to a pet store and buying feeder bugs. I'd also be careful about feeding waxworms at this point, as they are really not as easily digested as mealworms or crickets... not to mention the gecko could get spoiled after starving for so long and refuse other food items.


New Member
When I take in a rescue in this condition, the first thing I do is get it in a warm soak for about 30 minutes. It gives them a chance to begin re-hydrating while being inspected for any stuck shed that needs to be removed. Then I put them in a clean ventilated plastic shoebox size tub with heat under one end, on paper towel, to observe for at least several days before moving to a larger container. A small quantity of feeder worms are offered twice a day. I lightly mist the warm end daily to create a more humid environment to encourage water intake, and they lick from the sides. After a week I begin a parasite treatment if they have been eating and gaining strength.

It's great that your boy is eating on his own! Wild caught insects pose a threat in that they may have been treated with pesticides or exposed to fertilizers that can harm captive animals, as well as carry diseases. A container of feeder worms is just a few bucks at the pet shop, get mealworms or superworms. I don't recommend waxworms because they're high in fat and low in nutrition, aka junk food, and since your boy is happy to eat, he needs food that's good for him to regain his health.

I hope he pulls thru for you! Good luck :)

:main_thumbsup: :main_thumbsup: :main_thumbsup: :main_thumbsup:


New Member
north east ohio
Did I read that right?

i am SURE Aliza meant "through NO fault of your own" this gecko is in pretty bad shape, and was before he aquired the animal. there is a good chance if you take the proper advise given on here, he sould make it. these are VERY amazing animals. it is a positive note that he is eating on his own, but if he does not make it, know you did all you could. and good luck to you and your little leopard! we all hope he pulls through.

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