Need help on hatchling


Gecko <3
Good morning. I just got this baby hatched 30 mins ago. Before it hatched, it's egg is relatively larger than normal. It got this pile of thing hanging out frm it's bottom when it hatched. What is it?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Two possibilities: most likely it is the yolk sac, which has been nourishing the baby while it's been in the egg. Usually the baby absorbs the whole sac before it hatches, but occasionally it doesn't. Most babies do fine if they hatch this way, except for some that were weak to start out with and maybe the fact that they were born with the yolk sac is related to their weakness. The second, much less likely possibility is that the baby was born with an abdominal hernia where there is an opening where the belly button is supposed to be that is larger than normal and the intestines are coming out through the opening. If the thing doesn't detach than this may be what it is. Some people have been able to save the baby by pushing the intestines back in and (believe it or not) supergluing the skin closed. I have not had any luck with this; most of the few times it's happened, the baby was too small and I couldn't pinch enough skin together to glue it. In your case, keep the baby warm and humid on a smooth surface and give it some time to see how it will turn out.



Gecko <3
thanks for your input Acpart. I think it's the first possibility you mention. I tried soak her abit and the yolk sac just fall off. Hope it will be fine. Will give it all the love i can.:)

Wild West Reptile

Leopards AFT Ball Pythons
San Jose, CA
Two possibilities: The second, much less likely possibility is that the baby was born with an abdominal hernia where there is an opening where the belly button is supposed to be that is larger than normal and the intestines are coming out through the opening. If the thing doesn't detach than this may be what it is. Some people have been able to save the baby by pushing the intestines back in and (believe it or not) supergluing the skin closed.

OMFG!!! So I need to stock superglue too?!! :stunned:

I hope it's the yolk sack for your (and the baby's) sake!! Good luck!

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