hi i bought a leopard gecko abowt a month ago and find out last wee it had worms he is really skinny and i need quick ways to fatten him up any help please comment
First and foremost, did you treat him for the worms? If so, then I recommend proceeding with adding unflavored pedialyte to his water, feeding some wax worms, and maybe bumping up the frequency or amount you are feeding.
Actually, you really don't want to fatten her up quickly. Have a vet examine her and her stool and follow the advice and recommendations given to you by your vet. Small meals more often is better than a huge amount of food all at once.
sorry forgot to put that i did take her to the vets and they have wormed her. woz just wonering the best way to try and fatten her up not to sure how old it is and the amount it should be eatting but it is barely 3 inces long snout to tail we ave been told its roughly 3 months old can post a pic if anyone wants to c just how badly skinny she is.
she doesnt go for millworms as we have tried it a few times, shes likes wax worms though so i give her them. but i just dont know wot else to do as she is seriously under weight if you see my pictures you will understand why i am asking for advise.
yeah we hand feed her wax worms at night and then thought out the night she has wax worms and crickets and we always no how many is in there when we put them in so we can keep a track on it, some nights she has 1 or 2 waz worms and a cricket or two the little piggie and then other nights she might just have 1 cricket or sometimes just 1 wax worm.