Need help with Phelsuma grandis

Tree Boa

New Member
Hello all,

I am completely new to day geckos. I was given 2 geckos a couple weeks ago by a friend who brought them from Daytona Show. I don't know who bred them, but he told they also had some hatching in the show.

Well, the story with these guys is that they were pretty much forgotten in a small transport box over the fridge for quite a few months. It's really a shame. I saw them like that and took them home, my friend gladly gave them away.

So, I have quite a lot of doubts.

I skipped thru a few caresheets, but I am kind of a detailist keeper and found the caresheets insuficient.

Right now I keep them with a live photos, 4 inches of moss in the ground, 5.0 UVB tube, and a basking spot of around 120F.

I mist the cage every 2 days or so. Is that enough? Do they also drink from the bowl?

I am keeping them strictly on insects, dusted 3X a week. Is that OK? I know they also eat some fruits but is it necessary?

Can they be kept strickly with insects and vit/min dust?

This is the cage as it is now:

This is one of them. Is it any particular morph or breed?

And this is the other, a picture I took to show the femoral pores. I guess it's a female, but is it too early to know? They are 4 inches SVL:

Thanks, any help is appreciated


Evil Playsand User
Albuquerque, NM, USA
I'd possibly up the 5.0 to a reptisun 10.0, particularly if the light is outside of the tank over screen. The 5.0 will work, but the 10.0 will effectively have the UV penetration range of a 5.0 w/o screen. You're basking spot is HOT! Try around 95°F tops; I'd personally go about 90-92 with overall cage temp of about 86.

You can do just insects, but I'd still offer some fruit baby food. When I had grandis they liked the Gerber 1 (beginner foods) fruit medley. I now use an organic fruit baby food for my cresteds and electric blue day geckos. You can mix crested gecko diet in with it to use as a meal, or serve stand alone as a treat. I forget the brand of organic (edit: Beech Nut) stuff I use, but my geckos like their pear and chiquita banana flavors. Misting should be fine for water, my grandis never drank for standing sources.

For being neglected a few months, the one looks pretty decent. Coloration is juvenile, it should possibly fade out some more. However, there is a morph called crimsons, that are higher in red. But I know not much about that morph otherwise.

That 3rd picture does look like a female.
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Tree Boa

New Member
Thanks a lot.

There's no screen between the geckos and the UVB.

And unfortunatelly I have no access to these brands you mentioned. I am in Brazil, we have our own brands, but I got the message.

Thanks a lot.

By the way, how big can these guys grow?

Tree Boa

New Member

Thanks a lot for the suggestion but the customs will not allow me to import food products.

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