Need help with this one :(


New Member
Sorry if this isn't the thread to post in, i just have a lot to say/ask.

He was so tiny and my bf and I tried to talk the pet co manager to give it to us for free but they denied and I couldn't get him out of my mind. The gm tried telling us he was perfectly healthy just very small and I stood there staring at him and told him he was wrong but didn't want to pick a fight incase he denied me the sale. He has adults in the tank that looked Healthy and really cool actually but he had about 5 small ones and this one was the smallest with a little kink in the tail.

Today I got him to eat 2 wax worms and 3 mealworms.
He pooped but also threw up one wax and 2 mealies. How do I go about fattening this guy up? Do I have to do anything different? He's currently in Emery's old ten gallon tank

Also, not as important but I was wondering his/her morph?

No name yet but he looks like a 40 yr old bald man lol



He's been walking and exploring and seems very relaxed so far but alert.


Tokyo, Japan
Looks like its definitely an albino patternless :) I have one as well, it's the leo in my avatar.

Although it does look small, it could just be young. My boyfriend's leo was also very small and had trouble eating and I was concerned it would die, but a lot of posters just reassured me that they're small when they're young and I just have to be patient. Sure enough we found out it really liked silk worms after some trial and error with different feeders and is now at quite a healthy size :)


Wonder Reptiles
I agree that it doesnt look unhealthy, just very young. You may want to apologize for giving the manager a hard time, lol!
Dont use waxworms to fatten it up, stick with mealies and crickets. He'll gain weight soon enough.
He probably just vomited from the stress of moving and being handled. Give him a few days of quiet.
Hes an Albino MurphyPatternless


New Member
I'm not a fan of crickets but mealworms and Dubia. He was the Smallest in the group and tried overeating yesterday so I know he wasn't getting proper care. And like I mentioned earlier, he had full size healthy looking geckos that looked like they were beating everyone to the food. I had him lift the rock and a few crickets came out and instantly the adults went on the hunt. The little ones just stared. But anyways, thank you for the morph classification! Wax worms I'm using every few days.

The pictures really don't do him justice on his size. He is so tiny. I have awfully small hands too so that probably didn't help the size argument lol


Wonder Reptiles
I'm not a fan of crickets but mealworms and Dubia. He was the Smallest in the group and tried overeating yesterday so I know he wasn't getting proper care. And like I mentioned earlier, he had full size healthy looking geckos that looked like they were beating everyone to the food. I had him lift the rock and a few crickets came out and instantly the adults went on the hunt. The little ones just stared. But anyways, thank you for the morph classification! Wax worms I'm using every few days.

The pictures really don't do him justice on his size. He is so tiny. I have awfully small hands too so that probably didn't help the size argument lol

Hatchlings often over eat in my experience.
As someone who runs a reptile section, its difficult when customers demand pets for free and accuse you of mistreating them.
Just yesterday a lady yelled at me because my chinese soft shell didnt have a basking rock. Little did she know it was DUMPED in our parking lot the day before, and fully aquatic.
When I put my orders thru, sometimes im sent crazy young geckos. I avoid these suppliers, but it does happen.
Just trying to play devils advocate here.
Your gecko looks good, I think you'll have great luck with him.
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New Member
Kansas City, Missouri
Ozy was really little when I got her. She was also the smallest in the enclosure at "The Pet Store" When I brought her home I let her settle in that day, then that night I offered small crickets with tweezers. She also was ravenously hungry. She's never thrown up though. I would recommend feeding your baby small crickets or dubia to start off. They are much easier to digest than worms. :)


New Member
In all fairness, he can't keep his head up for long and was shaking today. Also, we didn't demand anything. We asked. We put in our argument as to why we thought he was ill and waited for his response. I had the guy laughing by the time he put the gecko in the box. I wasn't standing there yelling at the guy. Again, I complimented him on his adults and asked him a couple husbandry questions because ALL the geckos had retained shed. Toes, eyes, face, tails. I asked what they do to care for them and he seemed to feed me a rehearsed line. The petstores by my house take very good care of ALL their animals and we only came to this certain location for a ferret and of course me being me couldn't leave the reptile section alone. I did pay. I didn't yell. I also deal with rude people all day that will argue over quarters.... It doesn't hurt to ask.

Thank you Ozy, I'll start pulling my new born dubias out for the little guy and will lay off most worms. What about Phoenix worms ? Soft exo skeletin and a nice calcium boost


New Member
Kansas City, Missouri
If he seems wobbly it couldn't hurt to give him small phoenix worms to give him extra calcium. Not saying he has MBD, but that can be an early sign of it, so better safe than sorry. I would start dusting every feeding with Repashy Calcium Plus as well. :)


Ridgewood, NJ
Two waxworms and three mealworms sounds like a lot for a baby gecko. I would try giving him just 2-4 mealworms or small dubia once a day for a couple weeks. Count them and leave them in a bowl for him. I would also try keeping his cage in a dim, low-traffic room just to give him some extra security and keep handling to an absolute minimum - like for cage cleaning only.


Ghoulish Geckos
I keep mealworms in the tubs all the time, especially for babies. Most of mine are eating 3-8 mealworms shortly after their first shed. Calcium is very important. There are soft feeders that are very good for calcium. Dubias are great, too. Give him some time to settle in. I hope he ends up being a big, healthy gecko for you. Good luck.

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