Need help with uromastyx rescue


New Member
jacksonville florida
I have extensive experience with various lizards, but today I took in my first Uromastyx as a rescue.

She / he is approx 2 years old. She was kept by a kid who did not feed her on a regular basis, and the food it was being fed was sub par. The biggest problem was he was not providing it with the correct heat basking spot. The way they had it set up, the basking spot was reaching 95 degrees max... and probably stayed closer to 90 degrees.

This is how I have her set up now:

She is in a 30 gallon long critter keeper type tank.
Substrate: Washed Play Sand
Hides: Two animal plastics hides. One in middle of tank, one on cold end of tank.
UV Light. Reptisun 10 uv light approx 12 inches from substrate hung in middle of tank.
Heat Light. 90 watt normal spotlight type bulb shining directly on a tan colored basking rock. Hung on left side, or hot side of tank. Bulb is about 12 inches away from rock. Rock temp using RBI temp gun is about 115 degrees. Temp of uro while sitting on rock is about 125 degrees.
Food: Not sure yet, plan to buy and offer food tomorrow.
Water: They never gave it water, I will probably do the same unless told otherwise.

So here are my questions:
1.) do you see anything wrong with its new setup? Any suggestions?
2.) Her skin seems to be in pretty bad shape. Lots of stuck shed everywhere. I assume I will have to soak her on a regular basis until this clears up?
3.) As you can see by the pics below she appears to have a problem on her mouth. It looks like a lot of old stuck skin, but it also looks like it could be something much worse like some kind of mouth rot. I tried to get a picture of it but she kept moving. Apparently they took it to the local reptile vet for its mouth, and the vet recomended soaking it, and prescribed a lotion 1% silver sulfadizazine cream. Has anyone ever done this? I honestly don't have a lot of faith in the reptile vet she was brought to due to past experiences, and that is the only reptile vet around here.
4.) what is the best bet easy food diet that I should start her on?





Carpe Diem
Dallas, TX
well the mouth rot needs to be treated by your herp vet, don't assume anything regarding the last person taking them to their vet. diet is leafy greens sprinkled with calcium and supplements. i use repashy super cal plus icb. do not put a water bowl in the enclosure. as far as substrate, i would suggest millet, but make sure it doesnt have any other seeds, just plain millet. temps sound good, just make sure there is a good gradient. the cool side can be in the low to mid 90s and be just fine. i would suggest a 160w mercury vapor bulb for both heat and uvb. as far as soaking, only soak in very warm water, as in almost hot to the touch, and make sure he/she is thoroughly dried so you prevent tail rot.


New Member
jacksonville florida
I soaked him a little and was able to remove a lot of the sore. It appears to have been lots of stuck shed. The sore also had sand stuck in it big time so I got rid of the sand completely and am now using wild bird seed for the substrate.

Looks like I will probably have to soak and pick some more in a couple days, but he already looks WAY better. Will post pics in a couple days. right now he is mad at me!


Carpe Diem
Dallas, TX
don't put him on wild bird seed, put him on plain millet. some of the other seeds in wild bird seed can harm him. plain millet with nothing else. it should look like this...


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