Need some Advice


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Ok I am debating on whether or not to breed my leo Bob, she is the first leo I ever bought and has a special place in my heart. She is about 4-5 years old and never been bred. Although last year she did lay infertile eggs that I like to call marshmallows. During that time she lost some weight just like a breeding female would have. Ive been having problems getting her to gain a lot of weight, she is pretty healthy but not thick. She likes crickets better than mealies but I dont care for them so only buy them occasionally.
I guess Im wondering is it possible that I would be risking her life considering her weight and age(5 years old)?
She is a pretty nice size leo, weighing in around 63 grams.
I also think she might already be ovulating... lol
So why have her lay infertile eggs when they can be fertile!?!

All responses appreciated thanks!



New Member
well my first leo laid last night, if you have everything you need to hatch succesfully and you have the means to take care of the lil ones I say go for it. Im not as prepared as I need to be and my girl kinda snuck up on me but yours is at a nice size. I would get her a good supply of crickets to help her add weight if thats her fav, and keep a dish of calcuim. Good luck and she's gorgous


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
At 5 I'd say you'd be safe breeding her once or twice. Optimum breeding age is 2-3 years, so she's a bit past that, but females under 7-8 can usually be bred w/o issues popping up. As long as you are prepared to deal with babies and keep her under optimal conditions I'd also say there shouldnt be a problem.


New Member
Los Angeles, Ca
If the weight and health of the leo is not in question....then you need to turn the question to yourself..........

-Do you have the equipment necessary to incubate the clutches of eggs......yes, there will be several clutches?
-Will you have the space to raise the little fellas when they are born?
-Do you have the time to take care of them all?
-Do you have the $$ to spend to get this all set up? THe cost can creep up on you before you know it.

Think long term when you intend on breeding the leos. The immediate reward would be eggs....leos pretty much will take care of the breeding themselves....but its ultimately up to you to take care of the rest.

Good luck on your decision!


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Yes I have the equipment blah blah blah Im a breeder :p
I have been breeder/selling leos for the past two years thank you.
Yeah I wasnt thinking of breeding her more than once or twice I just was wondering if she was high risk or not.
Thank you for the advice :)


New Member
i would breed her i know the optimal breeding age is between 2 and 3 but there have been cases of leos breeding into there teens and 20 without an issuse aslong as she is in prefect health then i would go for it she is a very nice looking gecko

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