Need Someone Experienced With Leo Geckos


New Member
MY gecko recently passed away due to me not researching enough and petco no t giving me the right knowledge. Im looking for someone experienced with geckos and know everything from their cage setup to heating/lighting. I will be in a live chat all night waiting for someone to join and help me.

Also if you know alot of breeders thatd be awesome


Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
If you have an honest question, ask it on here instead of trying to divert everyone to a different site. I would be glad to help you figure out what and how to do it but I think you will find every answer already on here.


Hats Off Exotics
I agree with Enigmatic Reptiles above but you have ask this question minimum of 3 times already and everyone tries to help you but you do not respond. I suggest if you truly do want help that you look up your questions with the search feature or respond to your posts. I can almost guarantee no one will help you on that chat.
A few people including me gave you your answer in your last post that was almost identical to this one. If it is not the answer you want then I suggest your forget about getting another gecko.


New Member
Phoenix, Az.
I've also answered a few of your questions on PM. Think of the forum not as a place of shame, but as a learning tool, for everyone. The question you ask may answer someone else's issue, but if it is never asked in public, very few if any benefit from the learning experience.

Ask away.


Glittering Geckos
Manitoba, Canada
Some things that work for me. No sand, every gecko I've seen kept on sand was super thin and sick. Sand kills leopard geckos. I use paper towel. I have also used reptile carpet and tile. I find that paper towel is easy to clean and the leos colors seem brighter. I use an under tank heat pad only. I had to put mine on dimmers as with out is it gets way too hot. I keep the hot side at 92-94. My leos love to stretch out on it. Humid hide, helps with the shedding. I put moss in most of mine, except 2 ,as those two wanted to eat the moss, so the get sponge instead. Stalk around this forum, these people are super knowledgeable and most if all of your questions have been asked and answered.

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