Need to Rant


New Member
So I work at a "big chain pet store" as a pet care associate. Im sort of the "pet care lead" though not in title because of budget cuts. In any case, we have a sick little leopard gecko in the back that has Ulceritive Stomatitas. So I was washing it with hydrogen peroxide and had a heat pad on one side with a hot hide, a hide on the other side with some moss in it. (I know not exactly ideal but you can only do so much even though its a big coorperation. ) In any case someone kept putting a 50 watt red bulb right smack in the middle of this 10 gallon tank. I imagine it got at least 100 degrees in their with no heat gradient and he kept trying to crawl weakly in his water dish which would be dried up completely in the morning.

So I kept taking it off and writing that it didnt need to be on there that the sick room was at 75 degrees and the heat pad brought it up 20 degrees and thats all they needed. Well, someone kept putting it on and finally pissed off, i wrote up a huge thing and taped it to the tank.

Well I got a text from a friend working and apparantly my big boss, the store manager was ranting and raving that it wasnt hot enough in there and that who ever kept taking it off needs to come talk to her in her office. Because, she claims, it was "Not hot enough for him and that she bred leopard geckos and few years ago and she knew what she was talking about".

My friend told me this through text messaging and I was just like... "Well then she obviously wasnt a good breeder."

So, needless to say, Im going to get written up just because Im going by OUR care guides and taking care of the animal.

And my friend says... "Well it doesnt matter anyway its just going to die."

.....Currently going to try and find a different job I cant take it anymore. :main_angry: I love animals and going to school for zoology which is why I like the job. But, if people are going to tell me Im wrong when Im 100% right and know it, and get in trouble for going by our care guides...then I dont want to bother working there.

Alright, end of my rant I needed to vent.


Breeder in the making
PEI Canada
Oh the joys of working at a pet store, I went through similar things when I worked at one where we had an impacted leo and me and another coworker paid for it to have vet care, apparently we're not aloud to do this and we were told that the leo was worth 10x less then the bill
so in the end instead of my boss taking the blame for what was her doing she blamed it on the girl that quit due to this incident

so have fun!


New Member
Elizabethville, PA
Sadly there's not much you can do for the little one from the sounds of it since your manager claims to be an expert. I would do the same thing you are in that situation and find somewhere else to work since they do not appreciate your experience in working with these animals the PROPER way. I'm sorry you have to deal with such jerks at work.

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
I'd be callin corporate and reporting that witch for improper care and enlighten corporate as to what the appropriate care is suppose to be... since you're on your way out you can tell them to get a clue on your way out the door.
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New Member
Yeah Im thinking about talking to our district manager, or whoever next is in line in chain of command. I cant leave immedaitly, as I live on my own and have to pay rent--but I will be searching for another job. Im moving soon anyway, ive never had a problem like this before. AT the other stores I worked at I always had amazing managers who knew what they were talking about. My pet care manager had a bachlores in marine biology and was working on his masters for animal sciences. So, working in a place where no one knows anything is a real shocker for me and it depresses me, now I know what people are talking about when they bad mouth pet stores :/

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