Need to vent first rant


Galloway, Oh
Well a friend of mine had a Great Pyrenees till last night, it is about 9 months old. He lives on 2 acres and lets the dog run free. I say he had it till last night as he brought it over to are house because it had a broken right rear leg. He didn't want to spend the money to get it fixed so he was going to give it to the pound or have it put to sleep. well we took the dog to the vets today and they took x-rays of the leg. Come to find out it had been shot and the bullet shatterd the femur. Looks like one of his neighbors must not of liked the dog. You could see the bullet fragments. So its going to be about $3000.00 operation. We are going to do what we can but we are dog lovers and this guy is to young to give up on. Might have to let a some of my reptiles go to help pay for the surgery.

Thanks for letting me share are vet trip today. I just can't type the words I want say how upset I am.


Pasadena, CA
You are such a great person! I do dog rescues and some of the things people do to dogs, or worse: refuse to do, are astounding. I've spent thousands of dollars on my cats to get them healthy again. I truly believe that if a person chooses to purchase an animal, it is up to that person to keep that pet safe and healthy no matter what. I hope the dog pulls through!


It's a BEAUT Clark!
I can say that I don't like your friend! I think that's a bunch of BULL...when you take an animal you have the responsibility to care for it, including vet costs. People like that make me sick...

My aunt lives in a very rural area in Idaho, on a ranch. Years ago she found a Great Pyranees laying on the side of the road. Someone had dumped him because he had been attacked by coyotes and was almost dead. She took him in, got him medical care, and he is the most amazing dog she's ever had. Sammy has repaid her 10 fold by protected her sheep from coyotes for years. Dogs are amazing animals...

I really hope everything works out for you guys. Most surgeons will work with you on costs as well...don't be afraid to ask, at least for a payment plan :)


New Member
Just an idea: maybe see if the pet stores and/or vets in your area will let you put a donation container on the counter. Write a breif discription on how the dog is not yours but you're trying to save it with a picture of the dog. Good luck to you and especialy the dog. I think by the time all this is over your going to find you ended up with a better new freind.:D


New Member
Northeast USA
You're doing something really good for this dog. Giving it up or putting it to sleep because you don't WANT to spend the money is horrible. When our dog got an ulcerated cornea we went through with the repair surgery! Yeah it cost us, but it was our dog! Some people just view dogs differently but still, you should take responsibility for it not just get rid of it when it becomes inconvenient. Again, you're doing a really good thing for this dog.


Galloway, Oh
Well we brought him home Monday night. He is walking but a limp, but using it. He has to be caged for 6 weeks and a 5 to 10 minute walks a day. Just right night when we take him outside. So far doing goo. getting along with the other 3 dogs we have now. Have encluded a pic of after surgery. He was shaved because of the matts and ticks.


New Member
Northeast USA
Matts and Ticks!!! That is no way to keep a dog!
He looks cute shaved :). Be sure to follow the vets directions, you don't want him stressing that leg. Glad to hear he gets along with your other dogs.


is behind you.
Prince George, BC
It's people like you that make Earth a better place for everyone, including the doggies. :3

Glad he's in a better place with REAL human beings. Great Pyrneeseseseses are one of my favorite breeds of dog. They're so friendly and laid back. :p

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