New and confused! Substrate



So I'm new. I'm confused about substrate! What the heck? Why so much issue with this? As a new Leo owner do I need it not? I mean the DESERT has substrate. What kind calcium carbonate?? What?

Right now I have one of those repti carpet things in there.


New Member
Northeast USA
Hi there. Substrate is whatever is on the bottom of the tank. You have Repti-carpet in your tank so that is your gecko's substrate. There is so much issue around substrate (I'm guessing you're referring to sand vs. solid) because of loose substrates like sand having a risk of impaction. The issue is that people say, "my gecko died because of impaction thus people should never ever use sand" and then others say, "I've kept geckos on sand for X years and they thrive and I've never had any impaction” and of course there's the whole range of opinions in between.

Yes the desert has sand as a substrate, in places, but it also has rocks, dirt, clay, and many other types of substrate. My personal recommendation is to use a solid substrate like Repti-carpet, paper towels, shelf liner, tile, etc.

Calcium carbonate is a mineral. I don't know if calcium carbonate sand is only calcium carbonate or if it's mixed with other stuff.

This is a really hot topic and there's a lot of debate out there about it, if you've got the time use the search function or just look through the housing section and you'll have over an hour's worth of reading material. Happy reading.


New Member
fairly new here too

im a fairly new owner too and at first found it a bit of a mine field. But after hearing the sand stories I opted for paper towel and I am glad I did. It doesnt look great but is perfect for cleaning up as dont need to change whole viv as. Also he loves chasing the meal worms and I dont need to worry that he will ingest the sand. Also why not its very cheap and good for the environment so good alround really. :)


im a fairly new owner too and at first found it a bit of a mine field. But after hearing the sand stories I opted for paper towel and I am glad I did. It doesnt look great but is perfect for cleaning up as dont need to change whole viv as. Also he loves chasing the meal worms and I dont need to worry that he will ingest the sand. Also why not its very cheap and good for the environment so good alround really. :)

I'd be interested as to your reasoning regarding paper towel's environmental impacts. I assume you buy paper with high post-consumer recycled content and then recycle it after use?


New Member
uk , lancashire
with leos the best is either tiles, paper, or kitchen towl carpet tends to rip there nails out as ve found and sand when gets wet it forms a ball so emagin that inside your gecko , i just have paper down as much safer from what ive read geckos come from a rocky enviroment sand is only for colour and make the tank nice ,when i had sand efore my gecko had to have an operation due what i belive was the sand and since ive changed it to paper he has been great ,remember theres coloured paper geckos life aint about making the tank nice but making sure there health is good


Chaotic Nights Reptile
Two Rivers WI
I love natural slate tiles and use them in almost all my leo cages, I also use sandstone and granite to create caves and places for them to climb.


New Member
Northeast USA
Even animals that live on sand in their natural habitat can get impaction. It's not about where you live, it's about what builds up in your bowels.


New Member
I think something everyone who wants to use sand forgets. Is that in nature, even if they live in a sandy area. It doesn't mean that life is perfect for them. Geckos in the wild tend to not live as long as geckos in captivity. And the reason why that is, is cause we as owners, take out the dangerous factors in their every day lives. So even if they do live on a sandy type ground in nature, it doesn't mean that we cant improve the quality of the gecko's life. There is so many choices out there for you to settle with sand. Ive spent hundreds, even thousands of dollars on my geckos. I would not want to risk any of them to something I could have prevented.


Gotta catch 'em all!
Jacksonville, Fl
Hi there. Substrate is whatever is on the bottom of the tank. You have Repti-carpet in your tank so that is your gecko's substrate. There is so much issue around substrate (I'm guessing you're referring to sand vs. solid) because of loose substrates like sand having a risk of impaction. The issue is that people say, "my gecko died because of impaction thus people should never ever use sand" and then others say, "I've kept geckos on sand for X years and they thrive and I've never had any impaction” and of course there's the whole range of opinions in between.

Yes the desert has sand as a substrate, in places, but it also has rocks, dirt, clay, and many other types of substrate. My personal recommendation is to use a solid substrate like Repti-carpet, paper towels, shelf liner, tile, etc.

Calcium carbonate is a mineral. I don't know if calcium carbonate sand is only calcium carbonate or if it's mixed with other stuff.

This is a really hot topic and there's a lot of debate out there about it, if you've got the time use the search function or just look through the housing section and you'll have over an hour's worth of reading material. Happy reading.

Fantastic Post!

I think something everyone who wants to use sand forgets. Is that in nature, even if they live in a sandy area. It doesn't mean that life is perfect for them. Geckos in the wild tend to not live as long as geckos in captivity. And the reason why that is, is cause we as owners, take out the dangerous factors in their every day lives. So even if they do live on a sandy type ground in nature, it doesn't mean that we cant improve the quality of the gecko's life. There is so many choices out there for you to settle with sand. Ive spent hundreds, even thousands of dollars on my geckos. I would not want to risk any of them to something I could have prevented.

Another GREAT post and a great way of looking at things.

Even animals that live on sand in their natural habitat can get impaction. It's not about where you live, it's about what builds up in your bowels.

Another thing to remember is that leopard geckos DONT LIVE ON SAND. In pakistan, they live on very hard clay and most of it isnt loose, its very compacted.
And just like Neo.Reptiliac said, why risk something when it can be avoided all together? Yes, some leos can get impacted on sand.. others can live years on sand with no problem. Its up to you to decide, but just keep in mind that there could potentially be a problem with sand.


New Member
i use repti carpet its cheep and super easy to clean and it looks nice in the tanks im working on a new 60 gal tank and im planing on using tile...i do use a little vita-sand in the poopie spot of the tank it just makes it easyer to clean the poop up i change it monthly and they dont eat over there so no impaction its in my 20 gal long it works nicely for me


New Member
the lady i got my 3 females said that with the cal-sand the geckos sweated crystals out if their skin so im not using sand why risk it if there are cheeper easyer to clean ideams to use

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