New and have some questions!


New Member
Dayton, Ohio
I do not think ETHICAL is the correct word to use. There is nothing amoral about it. I think moral would be breeding something that will have a health problem. There is nothing unhealthy about it.

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
I have to disagree. When you talk about breeding there are a whole slew of "ethics" that go along with it, not just those that affect overall health of the animal. If you want to get aprticularly anal about it ethics is defined as "( used with a singular or plural verb ) a system of moral principles: the ethics of a culture.
2.the rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or a particular group, culture, etc.: medical ethics; Christian ethics.
3. moral principles, as of an individual: His ethics forbade betrayal of a confidence.
4. ( usually used with a singular verb ) that branch of philosophy dealing with values relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions."

Personally I didn't see anything in that definition that says anything that would lead me to think ethics aren't involved in proper business and breeding practices.


New Member
Dayton, Ohio
Okay. I'll give you that, in a business sense.

But if they do produce any offspring I'm not going to be one of these big time dealers that send across the country and I will not disclose any false information even if I sell to a friend that just gonna use it as a pet. Is that ethical?

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Honestly this one is going to get you mixed answers... as for my feelings on the matter is this... unless you can 100% guarantee that crossed albino animal is NEVER EVER going to make it into a breeding program offered to the general public then what you do is what you do, BUT as soon as one of those animals does make it to mass market of if one of those pet only friends decides in the 25 years they have that leo to breed it, then the problem is perpetuated.

The goal in any breeding program should be to improve n the breed. It'd be like crossing a rottweiler and a doberman, then passing the pups off as pure bred... know what I mean? Something a true back yard breder would do kinda for shits and giggles just to see waht the outcome is but the damage is already done, the bloodline is compromised and muddied and will NEVER be the same again for many many many generations.


New Member
Dayton, Ohio
I think many many many generations is kind of a stretch. If you try to get rid of lets say the Bell trait in the offspring it wouldn't take long. If this offspring with the Bell trait is bred to a normal only a 1/4 chance the baby would carry that trait? And the odds for that one to have the trait is 1/4? So the odds of it in just two generations is 1/16? One more generation 1/64? Am I right?

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
The many many generations thing I was referring to was with dogs hon not leos. I don't breed leos so I don't know how long it would take to breed that out of a line honestly.


Psychotic Gecko's
Dayton, Ohio
Im from Ohio too :). Good luck on the leo search! I have a blood hypo tangerine enigma male who might be het for bell(He hasnt proved this out yet, Ive only bred him to my female last season and got a few normals and a tnagerine enigma het bell) and of course my female sunglow lol. Id say if I had any eggs incubating Id give you a killer deal on a baby. But my leos aint in season yet haha. MAke sure to post pics when you get your new leo(s)


New Member
Dayton, Ohio
I will! If I buy them. If they look unhealthy or if its not looking like a bell albino I'm not gonna buy. We'll see though.


New Member
Dayton, Ohio
Okay I tried to get the tank all set up but I don't know if the heat pad is getting it hot enough? I only have a cheap thermometer that is for reptile tanks but I don't think its reading the exact surface temperature. I have a cheap thermometer coming in the mail that has a probe.

Should I get a clay heat emitter to get the tank even warmer?

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
You can actually get a cheap probe thermometer at wal mart lowes home depot etc. No real reasonto have to order one when you can get them there for under $10.00. Honestly I would wait until your good thermometer comes in and see how that reads before adding more heating elements to your tank and a ceramic heat emitter will moreso raise the ambient temps overall of the tank insted of increasing a hot spot. I think a moonlight blue bulb might be a better choice if you just want to increase the hot side tems. I hav a very high wattage ceramic heat emitter on my son's ball python's tank and it doesn't seem to do as much good as his heat lamps.

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
I don't like red as much as blue. I think some leos can be more sensitive to the red, despite other people's opinions honestly. I see Eros out a lot more when I use my blue light and hardly ever see him out when I was using the red. BUt again this is solely my opinion and is not backed by any fact aside fo my own observations of my own leo.

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Many don't worry about the cold end temps since they generally are suppose to just be room temp, but theht side is the one to be more concerned with overall really. As long as the hot side is recording a belly heat between88-93-ish degrees your leo should be fine. It will thermoregulate as needed. Focus on your hot side.


New Member
Dayton, Ohio
I got them :) They look a little thin but I can feed them well.

Also the female looks like she just shed but there is still some skin on her toes and head. Should I let her try to finish it or should I help out some how. There is a moist hide set up.

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