New bandit leo!


New Member
Yesterday at Reptricon Atlanta, I picked this little girl up from Southeastern Exotics. This is one of two of my first leopard geckos ever. This one (Louie) has been exploring for about an hour at a time and then goes to sleep in a log.

Crawling around yesterday (messing up my plants, haha)

And waking up from a nap inside of the cave to start exploring again this morning.

Like I said, she is one of my first geckos. From what I can tell, I got a pretty good looking one. So, tell me what you think <3


New Member
palmetto FL
Very nice looking gecko. Probably Needs a little fat on that tail but shes georgeous.

BTW, That red DT(?) In your avatar is a drop dead looker.


New Member
Thanks guys! And I agree on getting some weight on her. Both of them are on the slimmer side. But, no worries, they will be happy and chunky in only a matter of time.

DT? Not sure what that is. But, he is a veil-tail betta. He has high quality color, but the poor thing went through fin rot a little over a year ago that ate up all of his fins. They have grown back to a very low grade quality. Thank you though, I love to show him off since he is the most gorgeous half-dead $1 Petsmart fish I have ever picked up or seen.


New Member
Thanks! I fell in love with bandits right when I saw them. So, I was not leaving Repticon without one. I was actually surprised to see as few as I did. This vendor had three, I think and then one other vendor had a gecko who kind of looked like a bandit, but probably would have been considered something else. I guess people haven't caught on yet.


New Member
Oh. Wow, I should have thought of that. I've got a gorgeous double tail plakat that is silver with like a patina look to him. I've got too many bettas for my own good. Thankfully I branched into a new group of animals. haha

And thanks again<3


New Member
St. Petersburg, FL
Nice bandit. They really are my favorite too. The markings on some of their heads crack me up! Yours has a silly grin on it's head if you look at it right...or if you're like me and see silly grins and skulls on leo heads...

Regardless, have fun with your new bandit!
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New Member
I do see it, actually. thanks, now every time I look at her I'm going to see a smiley face. haha

And I guess to be fair, I'll post up pictures of the other female. She's an APTOR and I'm not to thrilled about her coloration. But, her personality is great. She is much more out going than the bandit and she was actually willing to let me hold her now two days in a row. So... She's grown on me.



I will admit that she has really pretty spots on her head. Just wish they popped a little more. My phone camera isn't the great, but in reality her colors don't pop much better.

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