I think it looks good. IF and only IF I had to say anything negative or constructive about it would be that the eye in the logo/banner has been done by a lot of breeders. Other than that I think it is really nice.
Looks better. Are you designing it for the top ad on here? If so consider either making the font smaller to add/increase the size of your image or bigger and having just your name. I am terribly indecisive with banners I make so I am not the best person to ask about this stuff...but we all know when we see ads and I think they are overdone, don't be that guy haha.
I really like the last one the most. Try switching it so Magical is larger than Geckos. I always did the same thing with mine but in reality someone will remember Geckos before Magical simply because Geckos is their interest and Magical is YOUR name. I think for a successful marketing banner they need to remember your name or enough of it to be able to search for you. Also try maybe just a few of the starts to the left of your name...maybe help break up the notch thing on the G. Banners that size are perfect for advertising. Site sponsor ones are so small they really dont matter for people like us with longer names.
I don't know if I am helping or just driving you nuts, they are looking good though.