New breeder.


New Member
Hey guy's I'v been thinking about picking up a project but I have a few questions. First: If I were only to breed 1 male 1 female, I would need to have them separated when out of season or how does that work? Second: Do I need to remove the female from the male after sheis gravid or...? Third: I do not understand the genetics of Leopard Geckos. I'll I know is what het is from basic science, and I know a bunch of morphs. So what are the characteristics, If I had a male Blazing Blizzard hetRaptor and a female SHTCT hetRaptor, what would come of it? and would it have a 50% Raptor chance and be 100% hetRaptor? Lastly: When is the season? what months out of the year?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Some people put their male with the female(s) only to breed. Some keep them together only for the breeding season and some keep them together all year. It's your choice as long as the male isn't constantly pestering the female (in which case you need to separate them). I keep mine together during breeding season and have had no trouble with the females successfully laying eggs in this situation. Generally in the northern hemisphere breeding season is roughly Jan-Sept though some geckos ovulate at different times.

To figure out the possible outcomes of the genetic combination you listed, as far as I can tell you have 2 choices:

--wait till someone with more patience than I have to list out the possibilities for you
--take each characteristic, apply what you know from basic science and figure it out yourself.

Good luck with your plans.



New Member
So potentially if the male isn't to demanding I could leave them together indefinitely? So when are they old enough to breed, 60grams? Or is there an actual age they need to be? I'm going to an expo in Tucson, AZ in 3 weeks, was gonna get a male and female. If they are young obviously I need to have them separated, but if they are 50g plus could they be housed together?

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