This is the new female I bought a few weeks ago.
The pictures arent the greatest, but I dont want to stress her out handling her quite yet.
Morph? I she a blonde?
I think she is a partial pinstripe aswell.
I'm not on my computer at the moment to get you pics but a blonde is a nearly black base with cream markings, not any of the geckos pictured above. The ones lifted above would be a pale yellow, the other a cream in cream. If you look at my website Eclipse is a perfect example of a blonde. Where are you look at Amia she is a cream on cream, as is Limoncello, and a few of my holdback kids. Vs you look at Inazuma he is a pale yellow, Avalon is a pale orange and Acacia well she is a weird peachy shade. If that helps at all. I can always post pics directly in here if you want tomorrow.
For a partial pinstripe to be the majority of it must be connected. When it lacks the connection it is considered pin dashed.
This pic is of Eclipse and another gecko, he is on top, notice how dark his base is and how creamy his dorsal and side is? This is a good example of a blonde, he isnt owned by me, but owned by a friend (F.Parker)
When naming these guys you dont usually add things like pin dashed to the name, you do when it is a pinstripe otherwise pin dashed and partial pinner is just kind of implied without it actually being in there, tends to make the name too long. Just as with full pinstripes you just tend to say pinstripe instead of calling it a pinstripe flame or a pinstripe harley, just makes things easier.
The pics are kind of bad quality but she looks to be a yellow flame, you could call her a yellow and cream flame, but most people just simply call them yellow flames.