New fire skink


New Member
Unsure of gender/age, doesn't seem to be fully grown though as it is still a bit small. There is a serious lack of information regarding these skinks online, I have him in a 20gallon long with an 18" Reptiglo 5.0 bulb, he has a UTH with a temp of 90f an humidity of about 70-80%, Cypress mulch as the substrate. Currently he is eating superworms and earthworms(he loves them, very good prey item to keep him strong, he whips the worm around in a battle while eating, great to watch). I am going to get a Heat lamp at some point to create an above ground basking area, but he seems content with the UTH for the moment. Surprisingly enough he is not bitey and has not bitten me yet(nor attempted to). I plan on getting a red wiggler colony going as main part of his diet.



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New Member
I have a fire skink. He lives in a 24 x 24 x 12" enclosure with dirt as his substrate. He has tons of fake plants, a slate basking spot, a cork tube, and a water dish. He spends most of his time underground unless he is hungry. He is misted daily. This setup mimics his natural habitat as closely as possible.

Disclaimer, I say 'He' as a gender neutral term since I can't sex fire skinks.

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