New Gecko, and update:)


New Member
I just purchased a new baby, my first young geko, and he's a cutie, but not ready to be my friend yet ;) . I purchased him from Norrad cause i wanted an albino and he lives in the same city! Thanks Norrad. He is eating well, and loves his humidity hide.
I've been thinking of switching to mealworms and this little fellow is already on mealworms so this is great!
My other Leo is Chance, the one in my avatar and he has eaten two servings of mealworms and i think i won't have any problems...
My aft, ( I mean my son's aft) is another story, we've had him about 4 mths and he just now started eating on his own....He seems slow to stalk, and to date has only eaten six crickets at once. Usually only goes for 3-4 before losing interest. Any ideas on this? I have tried mealworms 2-3 times but he doesn't show real interest. I need to purchase a proper mealworm dish cause they usually crawl away and hide before he would even notice. May fast him an extra day so he's hungry and get a mealworm dish and see if he will eat them overnight.
I just drop the others in and they eat them as dropped.


New Member
Rocky Ford, Co
A lot of AFT geckos are slow to take mealworms. It takes patience to switch them over but it is possible. You will have to slowly decrease the current food and increase the mealworms.

Cute leo, AFT and son! :D

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