First off, happy to be here, love community forums.
What a wealth of information. Looking forward to learning from everyone.
I have been into reef aquariums for years (since about 85).
There is a local pet store I have went to for just about as long.
They have had a beautiful green gecko with pinkish dots in there for years and I have always admired it.:inquisitive:
I was in there this past weekend and seen they were selling "it" off and I knew I had to have it. :smitten:
The kid @ the store asked "why would you want that thing? You cant handle it."
- I know some are very delicate, but its this true? better to be looked at and not touched?
I really dont want it to hold anyway. :main_rolleyes:
The deal was the Exo Terra cage (12x12x18) with all plants (artificial), water dish (empty), ghetto light and the "Day Gecko" for $100.
I told em to toss in some crickets and a container, some D3 powder for em, and some new moss/sphagmum mix and I would take it.:deal2:
The cage is nasty, stinks, hasnt been cleaned in weeks and will get a complete douchin 1st thing tomorrow.
Now I admit I know not much about keeping Geckos but they need light, vitamin supliments and a temp/humidity range.
Some need heat rocks and hiding places yada yada yada... and that brings me here.
I have lots to learn and would like to be able to do it right the 1st time.
I am looking to provide an ideal habitat for this Phelsuma madagascarensis grandis (I think).
I would like to see a natural planted system that would be somewhat self-sustaining with the exception of feeding what might become "Larry".
so here is a quick glimpse of what I drug home and have to work with for the moment.
First off, happy to be here, love community forums.
What a wealth of information. Looking forward to learning from everyone.
I have been into reef aquariums for years (since about 85).
There is a local pet store I have went to for just about as long.
They have had a beautiful green gecko with pinkish dots in there for years and I have always admired it.:inquisitive:
I was in there this past weekend and seen they were selling "it" off and I knew I had to have it. :smitten:
The kid @ the store asked "why would you want that thing? You cant handle it."
- I know some are very delicate, but its this true? better to be looked at and not touched?
I really dont want it to hold anyway. :main_rolleyes:
The deal was the Exo Terra cage (12x12x18) with all plants (artificial), water dish (empty), ghetto light and the "Day Gecko" for $100.
I told em to toss in some crickets and a container, some D3 powder for em, and some new moss/sphagmum mix and I would take it.:deal2:
The cage is nasty, stinks, hasnt been cleaned in weeks and will get a complete douchin 1st thing tomorrow.
Now I admit I know not much about keeping Geckos but they need light, vitamin supliments and a temp/humidity range.
Some need heat rocks and hiding places yada yada yada... and that brings me here.
I have lots to learn and would like to be able to do it right the 1st time.
I am looking to provide an ideal habitat for this Phelsuma madagascarensis grandis (I think).
I would like to see a natural planted system that would be somewhat self-sustaining with the exception of feeding what might become "Larry".
so here is a quick glimpse of what I drug home and have to work with for the moment.