New Gecko keeper


New Member

First off, happy to be here, love community forums.
What a wealth of information. Looking forward to learning from everyone.

I have been into reef aquariums for years (since about 85).
There is a local pet store I have went to for just about as long.
They have had a beautiful green gecko with pinkish dots in there for years and I have always admired it.:inquisitive:

I was in there this past weekend and seen they were selling "it" off and I knew I had to have it. :smitten:

The kid @ the store asked "why would you want that thing? You cant handle it."
- I know some are very delicate, but its this true? better to be looked at and not touched?
I really dont want it to hold anyway. :main_rolleyes:

The deal was the Exo Terra cage (12x12x18) with all plants (artificial), water dish (empty), ghetto light and the "Day Gecko" for $100.
I told em to toss in some crickets and a container, some D3 powder for em, and some new moss/sphagmum mix and I would take it.:deal2:
The cage is nasty, stinks, hasnt been cleaned in weeks and will get a complete douchin 1st thing tomorrow.
Now I admit I know not much about keeping Geckos but they need light, vitamin supliments and a temp/humidity range.
Some need heat rocks and hiding places yada yada yada... and that brings me here.
I have lots to learn and would like to be able to do it right the 1st time.

I am looking to provide an ideal habitat for this Phelsuma madagascarensis grandis (I think).
I would like to see a natural planted system that would be somewhat self-sustaining with the exception of feeding what might become "Larry".

so here is a quick glimpse of what I drug home and have to work with for the moment.






New Member
I do not know a lot about those geckos, but they look speedy... if you want to try and hold it plan as if its going to escape, ha. they sorta look like anoles


Staff member
Somerville, MA
You have a Madagascar giant day gecko. Their skin is very delicate, so they really can't be handled, though they are gorgeous. They have certain lighting, supplementation and humidity needs. Go to google and type in "madagascar day gecko care" and read care sheets. Look for Gregg and Leann Christensen's web site. They have written an excellent book called "Day Geckos in Captivity" which describes in detail what kind of environment they need.

Good luck,



He's beautiful! I always liked the looks of them, they are very beautiful. Looks like you REALLY like laffy taffys too:p ! Do you buy those in bulk for yourself, or is that left over from Halloween? :)


New Member
I've got a connection for the laffy taffy.

Went and picked up some items to make the living conditions more acceptable (for now)

Picked up a hydrometer and a themometer, a heat pad to stck on the outside of the tank, a couple bamboo springy perches, one large bamboo tunnel to hide out in and some other food stuffs. Ohh and I picked up a couple pants, forget names but its just a lil somthing to add life and possibly take up some of the waste.
I need to look into vivariums because thats what this is going to turn into only in a larger display.

pics later this eve....



New Member
Well, I got things sanitary.
I mangaed to get the Gecko to hang out in a spare 40g I had laying around while I completely cleaned the exo-terra cage.
(I know, I should just use the 40gallon but I looked at some others and its just not professional looking.)

So I put in some new bedding and added the bamboo goodies along with some ways to see how temps and humidity were doing and a small heatpad stuck to the lower back side glass panel.

...ohh yea, the plants too.
Twisted fingers and Arrowhead (Codiaeum and Syngonium)

This is what I thought would work for a little bit...


I noticed I am going to need to work on lighting and doing something with an open screen top. When the light is on, its 100f and 30% humidity... lights off its 70f and 70% humidity and climbing last I looked.
Ideas on best way to keep stable params in these little exo-terra cages?

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
I noticed I am going to need to work on lighting and doing something with an open screen top. When the light is on, its 100f and 30% humidity... lights off its 70f and 70% humidity and climbing last I looked.
Ideas on best way to keep stable params in these little exo-terra cages?

Where does the probem lay? I'm not entirely understanding since I don't know much about these leos? Humidity too high temp too low? Vice versa? More info please.


New Member
I think I need to get an extra set of meters. I can see where one too close to a light would create a false reading.
Basically I think that was the problem. I moved both thermometer and hygrometer and they seem to be giving more stable numbers in a new location. I might play with making an acrylic stand to place them on so I am not limited to sticking on the glass.
*yea, I am a noob. I thought those humidity monitors were hydrometers, not hygrometers. I shall refer to them as meters for temp and O2.
I also picked up a new light, another bamboo hide and lots of plants. I need to thin the plants out, rinse roots and such real good and find some small pots to put em in for now.
I really want to go with a natural look so I need to study up on plants from thier area.
A bio-type system if you will. (this is down the road, with a larger enclosure). I read everyone uses bamboo and every reccomends it if it isnt in an enclosure... so I assume they like to hang on bamboo? Maybe I should do a bamboo garden with some vines for accent and a few colorful flowering plants and mosses for ground cover.
(anyone have suggestions for keeping it truly natural?)


New Member
Central Florida
Beautiful gecko! Welcome to the forums.

If you're used to keeping reefs, I think geckos should be a breeze for you. I remember my first reef aquarium 10 years ago - turned out to be a complete disaster. I didn't do the proper research and the pet shop owner sold me a puffer fish. He just kept getting bigger and fatter while all the corals, and snails, and starfish, and tube worms (forget the proper name) kept disappearing.


New Member
Thanks! I have always thought geckos were the coolest.

I have played biologist, chemist, plumber, electrician, and carpenter In my quest to have a coral reef in my house.
Its a great hobby and has came a long long long way since the 1st days.
I am more interested in the corals than the fish.
I love sponges and various macro algaes too.
Most people dont pay attention to those little things that slide by when they look into my tanks.
Most of the time I hear "those are some colorful plants in there, where are all the fish?"

Back on subject...I need some inspiration for a natural setting.
Why bamboo?
What other plants are native/natural and obtainable for the location these guys live?

I am really leaning on another Exo-terra 18x18x24 but thats still small.
I would like to have (for now) a 24x24x24.
*Keep me in mind if anyone knows of one for sale, used. the prices for those new (150-200) are just not in the budget right now.
I can make something but I really like the pre-fab concept of these cages with the doors and top access.

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