New Gecko Owner/Jack snapped at me!


New Member
Hello! I am new to this forum and new to Gecko ownership. I picked up a Leopard Gecko (Jack), 3 days ago from Petsmart. He's been eating his crickets, mealworms and the few treats i've given him. He looks very happy and content.

This morning he was lying by his water dish an i thought i'd stroke his back just to get him used to me. He turned his head to my finger and snapped at it and crawled into is log. It kind of startled me. Was it too early to make physical contact with Jack? Is he still getting used to his surroundings? I don't want a gecko that snaps at me and hates me so how will i know when he's ready for physical contact? Any tips and tricks i should know about?


New Member
Sunny Scotland
I think it is best to just get him used to you by laying your hand in his viv for a few mins a day until he comes to you to begin with. Also one of my leos is very friendly but he will still get startled and does not like it when i touch his back. He prob got a fright and just reacted.

i would go with just placing your hand in the viv for a bit each day until he sees you are not a threat and he will cme to you. From there you can try lifting your hand slowly when he walks on and holding him for a little over the viv so if he gets spooked he wont hurt himself if he falls or jumps off.

Northstar Herp

Rhacs and Uros, oh boy!!!
Plaistow, NH
Something helpful for anyone new to herp keeping is to intentionally try to remember that reptiles are not mammals. I know that sounds stupid, but it's true, and it'll help you immensely in your gecko keeping.

Leopard geckos don't crave our company, and there's not much going on in their little heads. Sure, most of them mellow out, but it's not because we "tame" them, at least not in the same sense as a cat or a dog.

Typical advice for you would be to just leave them alone for a few days- reptiles don't show stress like mammals, and a change in environment can really freak them out though you will probably never know it. Give them a few days of just being alone in their enclosure before you even think about touching them. Same could go for feeding also. Reptiles don't need to eat every day either.

I wouldn't worry about it very much though, as they grow and get used to their enclosure they will probably chill out and be handle-able. When it snapped at you it was probably because you startled it.


New Member
Thank you both. I kind of figured i jumped the gun a bit too early. I'll give him another week or so alone and try again.

I've heard that if you dip your finger in water a gecko might lick or drink it off your finger and that's a great way to get them used to you. True or false?

Northstar Herp

Rhacs and Uros, oh boy!!!
Plaistow, NH
I'd say the thing that will work the best is just letting them grow into being mellow, and after they get used to the enclosure, just being very gentle when you handle them. Seriously, don't worry, they'll calm down. I don't put much stock in ANY special handling method to get them to calm down, they just don't train like that.

When you starting picking them up, let them see your hand coming and just scoop them. If they freak out, let 'em be for a while and try again. Once you get them up, "handwalking" is recommended. That's where they are on one hand but begin to move off, so you put your other hand up for them to move onto, then the other hand, and so on and so forth.

Don't worry too much, they'll be fine and in six months you'll chuckle at how concerned you are now. I know I did when I was new to herps. :main_thumbsup:


New Member
i know i will have my ash on my hand and will put a mealworm next to him. let him hunt it on my hand. now he crawls right up when i put my hand in front of him. he does it with my boyfriend too. he also randomly licks me.....


I think you jumped the gun, too. They have to feel pretty comfortable with you in order for them to allow you to pet their back. First, start with just softly talking to him with your hand flat down in the tank. He needs to get used to your smell. Then once he settles in more, you can hold one hand flat down in front of him while the other hand scoops his belly.

Retribution Reptiles

Stripe King
NE Ohio
Bah just pick him up. Over time it will associate you as no threat and will do just fine. I don't believe in the whole step by step crap. It's a leopard gecko, worst thing that happens you get a lil nip it MAY draw blood but no big deal. Anything that tries to bite me i let it. Then I instigate it to bite again and I do this on a daily basis till it realizes what it is doing is futile and it stops.


Happy Gecko Family
No I don't think its too early to make contact; I think he snapped at you because you startled him. Just make sure he is aware that you are nearby and that your hand is coming (slowly please); and try not to "pat" him, but gently stroke the side of his body. Most geckos hate it if you touch their tubercles on their back - they'll all stiffen up.

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