New Gecko Owner


New Guy On The Block
Hello all, I recently purchased an albino morph Leopard Gecko and have him comfortably set up in a 10 gallon aquarium. I am feeding him Mealies gut loaded with zilla insect food and flukers orange cubes.

From the images I viewed in the hatchling care forum, I can only assume he is a hatchling. He was sold as a "juvenile" gecko.

I was wondering how often I needed to dust his food with calcium. I know the vitamin supplement is to be given once a week but the calcium remains a question mark.

I have ordered a supply of small phoenix worms. Any thoughts on the mixture and quantity of mealies/phoenix/wax worms that would be optimal for an approximately 4 inch gecko would be appreciated.

I am currently feeding the guy 5-6 mealworms per day with 3 of those worms dusted with calcium. I fed him a single waxworm this past Sunday. I am planning on feeding him a single waxworm once a week. Thoughts?

Finally, I am considering picking up a second gecko from the same establishment because I am very happy with my first purchase. Can two animals thrive in a 10 gallon environment keeping in mind that they are both very young and gender compatible?

One other thing: Anyone recommend any sort of accessories beyond standard heating pad/lamps and 3 hides (hot, cool and moist)? I have a calcium dish in place...

Thanks for your time and responses guys and gals!
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Seminole, FL
Congratulations on your new gecko! Sounds like you've done a lot of research... well done!

We primarily feed mealworms with an occassional wax worm every few weeks. We lightly dust the mealworms with calcium every other feeding and dust with herptivite once a week.

Once the geckos grow to size, a 10-gallon will be too small for 2 geckos. I would suggest a 20-long tank. I would also suggest waiting until your little one is old enough to be sexed. You want to make sure you have the sex confirmed before you introduce another (with sex confirmed). Females housed together should be of similar weight and length to avoid any dominance issues.

I think you're on target with everything else!


New Guy On The Block
Congratulations on your new gecko! Sounds like you've done a lot of research... well done!

We primarily feed mealworms with an occassional wax worm every few weeks. We lightly dust the mealworms with calcium every other feeding and dust with herptivite once a week.

Once the geckos grow to size, a 10-gallon will be too small for 2 geckos. I would suggest a 20-long tank. I would also suggest waiting until your little one is old enough to be sexed. You want to make sure you have the sex confirmed before you introduce another (with sex confirmed). Females housed together should be of similar weight and length to avoid any dominance issues.

I think you're on target with everything else!

Thanks to these Forums, the research was a snap. Also, I have a water dish in place. Thanks for your insight, it is appreciated. I will hold off on introducing anything new at this point and just concentrate on giving my little guy a great start. I still need a name though...

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