New Gecko


Finds me a dragon!
Indiana, USA
So i've had my ten gal set up for a while for a new addition because i moved my first gecko into a 20 long gal tank. i wanted to get another one for a while. i went into ***** yesterday and saw the poor dears there sitting on sand and most of them had stuck shed. *sigh* i bought one. its very pretty to me, and i spent 30 minutes yesterday getting stuck shed off of it. the poor thing had shed stuck IN ITS EYE! and i was gonna kill the guy who got the gecko out of the cage for me...he SHOOK them out of the hide! i was what the heck!? i wouldnt shake you around! jerk. i'm glad i got this gecko tho...every time i pass the tank, it looks up at me a just kinda looks for a second, and i swear it smiles at me, and continues on its way. the only problem so far was the stuck shed. ^_^


Finds me a dragon!
Indiana, USA
i am so excited! he/she ate out of my hand tonight! i was worried iwouldnt get it to eat at all because yesterday i dropped a mealie in front of it, and all it did was look at it and shy away from it. but i put a mealie in my hand and held it front of it, and he ate it! lol, it was funny tho, the first time he went to chomp it, he missed and chomped my hand insted! he's so cute

and yes, his/her/its name is lucky. :D

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