New geckos, Morph ID?


New Member
I recently acquired 3 leopard geckos. One of them is a definite male blizzard (shedding in pics).

The other two are juvie females, and they were sold to me as "albino" and "Hypomelanistic tangerine". While I know what these terms mean, I was wondering if anyone could confirm this.

And a quick question: At what size can I put them together in a colony? I have the space and right now it is being occupied by the blizzard. Assuming that the breeder didn't lie about the incubation temps, I am told it should be okay...



Ghoulish Geckos
You don't want to keep them together. The male will try to breed with the females too soon. The two (if they are female) might be okay together. You would just have to keep an eye on them. I prefer to keep mine alone just to be safe.


Active Member
Southern Illinois
You can only put animals of equal size together. Also, you probably won't want to mate a Blizzard with a Tang and a Tremper Albino? What kind of babies do you want? Use the punnet square method or some kind of morph calculater and make sure you have some meaningful "project" before starting to breed :main_yes:

You can put the two females together in a 10g enclosure as soon as they are of equal size and none of them dominates the other and eats all her food. The male is too big and needs to be separate.

You can put them together for mating when they are over 9 months old (your females look like 1-3 months max.) and when the females have reached a minimum of 60g and have a fat tail. Before that, breeding might kill them or result in bad eggs if the mothers are too young/small.

Besides, you have a UTH under a plastic critter carrier which is not suitable. UTH's are just to be put on glass! They can melt plastic. It's dangerous. The critter carrier is too small for a leo and should only be used for transportation (usually the transportation of crickets, not geckos).



New Member
You can only put animals of equal size together. Also, you probably won't want to mate a Blizzard with a Tang and a Tremper Albino? What kind of babies do you want? Use the punnet square method or some kind of morph calculater and make sure you have some meaningful "project" before starting to breed :main_yes:

You can put the two females together in a 10g enclosure as soon as they are of equal size and none of them dominates the other and eats all her food. The male is too big and needs to be separate.

You can put them together for mating when they are over 9 months old (your females look like 1-3 months max.) and when the females have reached a minimum of 60g and have a fat tail. Before that, breeding might kill them or result in bad eggs if the mothers are too young/small.

Besides, you have a UTH under a plastic critter carrier which is not suitable. UTH's are just to be put on glass! They can melt plastic. It's dangerous. The critter carrier is too small for a leo and should only be used for transportation (usually the transportation of crickets, not geckos).


First off, this is by no means there normal enclosure! The two babies are living in a ten gallon, with a heat bulb, 92 on hot, around 80 on cold. I feed them separately because I do not want to deal with the whole dominant issue.

I agree in that breeding these morphs together would not yield anything interesting. I was under the impression (wrongly apparently) that geckos do not breed like mice, and that putting them together would not cause any mishaps. If this is not the case, then when the females get big enough I will switch the male into the ten gallon and put the females in the bigger enclosure.

Do you (or anyone for that matter) have an idea for what kind of albino this is? I noticed you wrote "Tang" or I'm assuming that's what the little guy is.

Thanks for your help! I'm new and everything helps.


New Member
Do you (or anyone for that matter) have an idea for what kind of albino this is? I noticed you wrote "Tang" or I'm assuming that's what the little guy is.

The "tang"/tangerine is what the little non-albino gecko is. If what you were told is correct, he will start to lose his banding and will have minimal body spots and will maybe get a little bit of a carrot tail. I am not an expert at albinos, but I know that they are most easily classified by their eyes so it would help to post a pic. There are three strains of albino: Tremper, Bell, and Rainwater. Someone more experienced can take over from here ;)


New Member
Mesa, Arizona
I kept two babies together once, and fed separately, but they still fought. They can still have dominance issues w/o food! Just watch and be careful :)

While geckos don't breed all year, they are like mice and they will breed when put together most times out of the year.

You didn't say what the BB male was living in then? Is he in a 10 gallon?

But in the end, what LZRDGRL said, the boy can beat up, and even seriously mane or kill, the two little girls. Especially in a small cage, like a 10 gallon (or even 20).

He is just so big compared to them! So ignoring breeding (Which breeding them too early can do the same damage) he might be too aggressive for them.

But they are super cute! I love blizzards :)


New Member
Milford, Michigan
To me, that looks like a Blazing Blizzard, from the eye picture. But the Pro's can comfirm that.:main_thumbsup:
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New Member
Thanks very much LZRDGirl and Euphoric! The male right now is in it's own twenty gallon, however I would love to put them together. I will watch the babies closely!

Also, I had no intentions of housing adults with babies now, I meant in a few months...pretty much what I was asking was if I could house the females with males before they were full grown. Obviously for breeding issues I will not risk it.

Isla Reina, thanks for your post. After comparing eyes, I think I have a tremper. I'm not sure, but mine has some red veins in it...which I am lead to believe is a trait for the tremper strain.

If they were to be housed together, it would be in a much larger cage. Larger than the LxW dimensions of a 40 gal. It's large enough that I could probably even house 4-5 females in it (which I will never do.)
If you would like the exact dimensions I can measure the cage, but trust me, space is not an issue. I have kept snakes/medium sized lizards in the past, so I have a few larger sized cages lying around.

I've had the geckos for about 3 weeks, no issues with the babies that I've seen. The babies are usually in the same hide together, so I don't think that there is fighting for space. I keep them well fed and well watered.

I'm pretty sure my blizzard was rarely handled as he is kinda long as I keep doing gentle handling excercises, he should tame down even if he is an adult right?

Thanks for your help!

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