New girl on the block


Pet Owner
I'm not really sure how popular geckos are with females, or reptiles at all are, for that matter, but I've recently gotten interested in bringing a reptile into my home.

I've been an hermit crab owner for ~5 years total, and have surprisingly accumulated almost all I'd need for a gecko through them. :) (I'm a hard core hermit crab owner that spoils them like they're my children)

I recently bought a new 20 gallon long aquarium off someone on craiglist who had an... umaschyx... something :main_huh: and him sharing his passion for his lizard for the little bit we stood and talked, made me want to research lizards.

I've opted for a gecko because they /seem/ to be good starter reptiles, and I personally think they're cute.
I've also thought about anoles, long tailed lizards, and a few other small native lizards but they seem a little too human-cautious to me.
Idealy I'll eventually own another 5-lined skink. If I can ever find a breeder of them.
I had one as a child that I caught at school, and ever since then I've wanted to do it again, but do it right this time :) But I'd rather find a breeder than take one from the wild :main_thumbsdown:

I'm hoping this place can be a great resource :)

I realize that the internet can have a lot of conflicting information on pet care, so hopefully this place will turn up being the most clear and correct with care.

I'm also planning to get gecko at the repticon coming to charlotte in November.
do they even sell reptiles? is it smart to get a gecko from that kind of show?
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Staff member
Somerville, MA
Welcome to GF. A leopard gecko is a great starter reptile and much more handle-able than the others you mention. I have no experience with repticon so I can't answer that part of the question but I bet there are other breeders in your area. The caresheets in the articles/caresheets section at the top are another good way to get the info you'll need.



New Member
Lebanon, PA
Welcome! I used to keep hermies, too! I miss my strawberries sooo much :(
Hermit crabs really are great fun, too bad they are considered by many as "disposable" pets.

Excellent choice to start off with a Leo, they are beautiful little things. Good luck to you!


New Member
leos are very good starters. i started with 1 and now i have 5 and am gonna breed this season. i picked up 2 geckos yesterday at the reptile and exotic pet breeders expo in mississauga ontario. i think shows are better quality geckos then pet stores because breeders usually specialize in 1 - 2types, they know what theyre doing, and they take good care of their animals

my 2 show geckos have nice lil fat tails, seem plump, clear eyes, clear vents.

oh btw heres some criteria

-pick a gecko without a kinked tail (a slight change of aangle at the end) \____ (like that)

-pick a gecko with clear eyes

-pick a gecko with clear vents (on the side of their head)

-pick a gecko that is active...ask to hold one - if it scrambles a bit thatas a good dont want a gecko that isnt active

just remember though they are nocturnal - so by active i dont mean that hes up when you go see him - i mean that he is a lil cautious and may scramble a lil when you pick em up - but if the breeders been hand taming them maybe they wont scramble

anyways - just some pointers :) feel free to msg me or add em to msn

hope you enjoy your gecko


Pet Owner

:D hey there!
Thanks again for my girl!!
I love her so much already!

I should probably say, so people aren't confused, I bought my leo from yellermelon :)
I female rainwater I named Zoe!

So I have a lizard now! Now I feel like part of the club - haha!
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