New here and new Crested gecko owner


New Member
Hi everyone! My name is Ava, I'm 23. I also just got a crested gecko a couple of days ago, his/her name is Artemis. I've been wanting a reptile since I was 12 of course my parents didn't let me have one so I envy all those kids on youtube whose parents let them have them. I researched cresteds alot and decided I wanted one. So I finally got one at petsmart, I'd have preferred a breeder but there were none in my area that I could find. The ones at petsmart appeared to be in good health and were fed dusted crickets and baby food. I'm trying to wean mine off babyfood by mixing CGD with it and reduce it overtime to just CGD. I'm unsure if he's eaten yet, I caught him last night by his food dish and I dabbed a bit on his nose this morning and he licked it off.
My set up is the zilla tropical beginner kit with moss and paper towel substrate. The moss is mostly around the edges. I have in some fake leaves on the glass and a fake bonsai tree hide/climb and a hide/water bowl rock. I am having some humidity issues so I put damp towels on top which helps very well as does the moss. day temp is around 70-73. Night is around 68-70. (I got a 60watt red night bulb). I do plan on getting a taller enclosure as he gets bigger and I'm considering a habba misting system if humidity persists as an issue.

He looks to be a flame with some dalmation spots on top and on his tummy

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Congrats on your new crestie and welcome to the forum. Can't wait to see pix of your new baby :)

Also don't feel bad about your parents making you wait to get your first herp, you've got her now :) . My older son had pestered me since he was 6 for a snake, I made him wait until he was 11 (he's 14 now, 15 in May) to make sure he'd actually be able to take care of it on his own.

Northstar Herp

Rhacs and Uros, oh boy!!!
Plaistow, NH
Welcome to the forum. Sounds like you've done your research. I would recommend feeding a very thin layer of CGD, just enough to coat the bottom of the container. That way if they lick it at all, you can see it. It's easy to mix up too much for them and not know if they ate it and then have to throw a lot out.

Since you only have one herp, and rhacs don't require THAT much humidity, you'd probably be just fine with a handheld mister. I got one several weeks ago, and did a review of it here-

Give 'em a good spray down a couple of times a day, paying special attention to the glass since cresties don't really drink from bowls, and you'll be fine I'm sure.

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