New Here !! Need some advice/help!!


New Member
Hope im posting this in the right place......Hi Everyone, just yesterday I received my 2 juvenile female leo's from reptmart. One normal and a high yellow. Picture of there setup is below....They are pretty much together in the warm hide to the right all of the time. I have been feeding mealworms once a day, one of them has eaten 10 so far, 5 yesterday and 5 today. Other one wont touch them, I have tried holding it in front of her with tweezers and she just ignores. Thats one issue that has me worried. Next I am using a 40 watt zoo med day light buld during the day and a 70 watt night time bulb through the night. As well as a zoo med 10-20 gallon UTH.. Temp is about 82 83 in the hot side. Im not sure if this 40 watt daylight bulb is to bright to have on them during the whole day? Humidity in the tank is about 50. That middle hide always has the moss which I keep moist. The hide on the left is the cool hide. Last thing, Will these little guys find the water on there own? Help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Setup: Exo terra Medium/ Low
Slate directly on tank
Little bit of play sand to fill gaps.



Staff member
Somerville, MA
Welcome to GF. Your post got held up for awhile because it got flagged as possible spam --not because you did anything wrong, it just happens sometimes. It was waiting for a moderator to "unlock" it, which I did.

Congratulations on your new geckos. Some geckos take awhile (as much as a week or more) to start eating when they get to a new place. Also, sometimes one gecko can bully another which makes them not eat. Give them some time to acclimate and watch them to make sure one isn't sitting on the other or keeping it from eating (either by threatening it or intimidating it). If that's the case, you'll have to separate them.

Unless your room with the geckos has no ambient light, you really don't need the lights at all. I assume when you say "82 83 on the hot side" you mean the air temperature. If you mean the floor temp, it's too cool --low 90's is more like it.

Don't worry about the humidity.

Yes, they'll find the water on their own even if you never see them drink.



New Member
Thanks for your reply. I did see them laying on top of each other the first day but I havent seen it since...They have mostly just been next to each other in the same hide or like they are now in separate hides. I am guessing that air temp really doesnt matter that much? I turned off the light removed the thermometer from the wall of the tank and layed it flat on the slate right over the uth and its reading 93 so i guess thats fine. On another note she still doesnt want to eat I will try crickets today and see how it goes. Sorry if im sounding a bit needy, I just want to make sure that I do this right. Thanks again.


New Member
Ontario, Canada
Hello. I'm new to Leo's too. Just got my first a couple of months ago. Mylo, didn't eat for a week and it was phoenix worms that got him going. He was also very dehydrated from being shipped. I took a medicine dropper and filled it with bottled water then put a drop on his nose. Being very careful, so as not to put the water over his tiny nostrils. He drank 3/4's of the dropper! He started to drink on his own after about 3 days and that's when his eating really picked up:)
-There's a lot of controversy about the dial style thermometers especially on my bearded dragon forum.
Bearded Dragon . org ? View topic - Thermometer Accuracy: Why Not To Use Dial Thermometers
Do you have a temp gun or probe style thermometer? I use a plug in lamp dimmer to keep my UTH at the right temp.

I have the exact same tank and found that the Zoo Med 30-40gal UTH works a little better for that size.
Good luck and congrats!:main_cool3:


New Member
SHE ATE!!!!!!!! :D Today they each where in their own separate hide...I wiggled a mealworm in front of them one at a time...They both had about 5. Thanks for the reply morphmom I am definitely going to have to invest in a better thermometer and the bigger size UTH.


New Member
Lol Havent got to taking any pictures yet since there always hidden, atleast while im not asleep...I dont want to freak them out any more for now anyways.:p


New Member
Ontario, Canada
I understand completely. Mylo got his photo taken the first day he was brought home, then not again for about a week and a half. I also take him out around 9:30pm, and only have my lamp on for lighting. He seems very happy in low light. (for obvious reasons) It also makes for amazing photo's because his eyes are nice and wide. Super cute. :smitten:

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