New (if you couldn't tell) and looking to prep


New Member
Lakewood, CO
Hey all, I'm Andy. I'm new to the whole reptile thing. I'm looking to get a leopard gecko, and while i know the basics of what the tank needs, I was just wondering what input you all had about specific products, sizes of items and animals themselves...pretty much anything above the basics. I've pretty much got those covered. Thanks so much in advance! I look forward to becoming acquainted with you all and the site. :main_laugh:


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
Hey, welcome to the site! You can basically find answers to any questions you may have if you rearch the threads. There's a lot of useful information! I can't think of anything you have to know that you wouldn't have already read online or in a book, just if you can, buy a gecko from a private breeder and not a chain pet store. You'll get a much nicer animal and you'll know it was well taken care of. And in case you're not sure about tank sizes, the general rule is a minimum of 10 gal. per gecko, but they'll be happier in a 20 gal. long tank if you can afford one. I feel it gives you more room to make a real temperature gradient without cluttering up the tank.

Again, welcome to the forum!


New Member
Lakewood, CO
Yeah, I figured I'd start looking around soon, but figured it might be easier to have people at least point me in a direction. I have experience with a site like this that I joined because of my hermit crabs. Thanks for your welcome! And I'll let you guys know what happens.


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
If you're willing to buy online, start with the websites on the banners at the top of this site. I've purchased from a couple of them and they are the nicest people and sell some of the nicest animals. Looking through what they have is a good place to start and see what morphs (colors) you're more interested in, and which ones are within your price range.


New Member
Lakewood, CO
Thanks! I'd love to be able to buy online, but I run into the same issue that I have with hermit's just more money than I really have to put out. If I can find someone to go with I might try going to a reptile expo that will be here in November...

As far as morphs go...I'm not really picky right now. I might be once I get more into it...unless there's some big difference as far as attitudes and stuff go between them.


New Member
Winchester, Massachusetts
Welcome to the forums Andy.

I wasted a lot of money when I started out... My advice it to keep it simple, a 10 gal aquarium ($10-15) with a screen top ($10), a under tank heater (UTH, <$20) some tile for the floor (or paper towel, newspaper) couple dishes and hides. You can make hides out of stuff you have around the house (small box, etc). Spend your money on a nice Leo.


New Member
Lakewood, CO
Thanks all for the welcome!

I already have a 10 gal that I need to clean out (it's currently full of sand). From looking at a bunch of people's set ups, I can put together one pretty easily.

My main question now comes to down to what is a good inexpensive heating set up? Just a UTH and a 2 thermometers and keep my eye on it? Or get one of the things that will control the UTH based on temp?

Also...What's a good place to get one a leo from? I know of a specialty reptile store in this area, but I've only been in there once, and I was looking for a light bulb.


New Member
Hey, as far as morphs go I'd look into raptors and jungle aptors... They got really cool patterns and colors!! I wish I started with them!!!

I also agree look for a hobby breeder rather than a petstore... I bought my first two from a pet store and never again.. Both were extremely unhealthy!!! Every leo I bought from a breeder I've been more than satisfied.

Also, I'd invest into some fake plants (or real but they are higher maintenance) ALL of my leos LOOOVE hiding under them!! :)

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