okay, so i got my second leo a little while ago, id say i got her at about a month old (im guessing on the sex being female, but she looks feminine) and now maybe she is about 2 months, maybe 3, but she has been getting VERY skinny. its really worrying me. I had her in a tank with another leo that is about 10 months old and i made sure i had plenty of large and small crickets and plenty of phoenix worms in two dishes in the tank, so that the big one wouldn't pick on the little one and hog the food. well i guess i was wrong, the little one soon stopped eating and was very skiddish. I didn't like the way she looked so i set up a quarantine tank with everything she needs. water, calcium dish, humid hide, warm hide, and a heat lamp. I have been taking her out each night for the past week or so and ive been doing my best to hand feed "Fluker's repta-boost" out of a syringe. she doesn't lap up much, but i give her as much as she will take, I'm wondering, what else can I be doing? I refuse to give up on the little one, she has a vet appt for Friday (earliest time to get her in, and today is Sunday) what can I do between now and the vet visit to keep her going. she eats phoenix worms and small crickets with the legs taken off so they don't put up much of a fight