new leo owner withh questions


New Member
BC, Canada
My (as of yet) unnamed leopard gecko is living in a 10 gal aquarium. I got him about a week ago. I have given him a small cold side hiding spot, a humid hide and a basking rock outcrop that doubles as a lookout on the warm side. Here's an album of him and his tank:
He is fed dusted, gut loaded crickets and mealworms. I have noticed him spending most of his time under the outcrop and have never seen him in either one of the caves?
So my questions are:
Is this tank ok?
I have heard that moss can bad for geckos, is this true?
Is his diet good?
Can i supplement his diet with thawed mice and/or wild bugs?
Does his size look good? (quarter for scale)
Can anyone guess what age and sex he is?
Does anyone have any name suggestions :D
Is there any way i can socialize with him? I try to take him out and hand feed him often but he still seems very scared of me.
Any idea what morph he is? Probs junk cuz hes a pet store gecko but hey :p
he has a uv and a regular heat light, is that sufficient?
Is there anything else i should know?

Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
Welcome to GF. =)

1) I see a few things about his enclosure that could be improved. First, lights generally aren't very good for leopard geckos. They require belly heat to digest their food properly and bright light can easily stress them out (especially albinos). It's best to have an under tank heater regulated by a thermostat.
Also, that dial thermometer isn't going to tell you what you need to know. You should use a digital thermometer with a probe or a temperature gun to measure the floor temps (the floor temp is the most important!). The floor under the warm hide should be 90 degrees.

2) I have heard of impactions occurring with moss. I prefer to use eco-earth in a tupperware with a small hole cut out of the side. This tends to keep the humidity up better and has less risk of impaction.

3) Crickets and mealworms are a good diet. What are you supplementing with?

4) I would not use thawed mice. They are mostly fat and there's no reason to feed one to a leopard gecko. I also wouldn't use wild-caught bugs because of the risk of pesticides and parasites.

5) He looks healthy. =)

6) He's probably too young to tell the sex, no more than a couple months.

7) I'm terrible with names. =P

8) Just consistent and gentle handling. He will calm down as he gets older too.

9) Albino

10) Lights are not necessary and can be detrimental.

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