New Leopard Gecko Questions


New Member
Waterford, WI
I got my first leo about 2 weeks ago. I know it is normal for them not to hide a lot as they are exploring, but he never ever hides. His tank is in my room. I go up there after school, and he is out. I spend a couple hours in my room doing homework, and he will be out the whole time. He is out when I wake up, and when I got to bed. Is he just really comfortable, or is he still going through the newbie phase and exploring a lot? His temps range from 93-96* on the hot side. He has a moist hide and a dry hide on the hot side, and a dry hide on the cool side. I don't know how old he is, but he is a juvie.
One more question. The past couple days when I get home from school he is sitting in his food dish. I feed him everyday after school, so is he just on routine and waiting to be fed? Or is he still hungry after I feed him? He eats 5-7 mealworms a day, it differs each day. Thanks! :)


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Congratulations on your new gecko. Some of them just like to hang out in the middle of the tank, so you're lucky that way. It's hard to tell if he's hungry, but you could always increase the amount of mealworms until he starts leaving leftovers.



New Member
Waterford, WI
Thanks :) I'm really happy with him. I put in a second floor yesterday and he loves going up and down. He also had his first crickets today. I gave him 6 circkets and a mealworm, and he ate all of them within 10 minutes. I might give him 8 or 9 tomorrow and see if he eats them all. Leftovers can go to the salamander. Thanks again :)

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