New leos


New Member
I got my first leos at the Michigan reptile show last weekend. I cant wait to go back and get more and maybe get my first snake :D
I bought what was sold to me as a RAPTOR but she turned out to be a Mack snow RAPTOR. She is super friendly and got comfortable in her new home very fast. I also got a 'normal' i love her pattern i cant wait to see how she turns out shes very jumpy. Both where sold to me as females. What do you think? Also I need name suggestions for both of them. :main_thumbsup:


New Member
The first one looks like a murphy patternless, I think all Raptors have red eyes right? I'm still learning though :) But they look a little young to sex. Were they definite sex or temp sexed? Second looks like an abberant or jungle normal from the pattern but can't really tell since the pattern kind of reminds me of both...

They're both so pretty though; my murphy patternless is a doll, had her since 3 inches :D I hope you enjoy them :)

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