New Member Introduction



Hi Everyone!

Thank you Kelli for approving my membership! :D

I am a new owner of a new leo baby. I was in Petco on Saturday picking up some CGD for my cresties and was chatting with the person in the reptile department about cresties and ball pythons and I casually mentioned that I'd like to get a leo one day. She said that they had one in the back missing part of its tail that was up for adoption and asked if I was interested.

I'm VERY big on not jumping into something without knowing the correct husbandry and broke my own rule and took "her" home with me. I know she's probably too young to sex at this age, but I couldn't see any anal spores (I think that's the correct terminology), but we'll keep checking as she matures.

My boyfriend has named her Trixie in case she's "tricked" us into thinking she's a girl, in which case, if she's a boy, her name will change to Trix! :main_laugh:

So, I quickly purchased a 10 gallon tank, some Leo Dust, some meal worms and came home and jumped on the computer to ask on a ball python related forum I'm active on (that also has a sub-leo forum) what else I needed to get her set up properly. Found that the 10 gallon was probably going to be a little big (no loss, it will become another maternity tank for my rats), so I went to Walmart, and got a 12 qt tub and a small plastic flower pot saucer, and then went to Petsmart and picked up a UTH and a rheostat (although I plan to replace that with a proper thermostat soon), got a cricket keeper (with those black tubes), Flukers Cricket food, Calcium without D3, and that Flukers calcium enriched gel stuff for water for the crickets. And made a stop at Home Depot for a digital thermometer (you have to flip a switch to switch from indoor/outdoor or in this case cool/warm side).

So, please critique my set-up and tell me what you think of Trixie! She's had three little poopies already for me, eaten 8 mealies and 10 small crickets since bringing her home. I keep about five mealies in a dish for her at night, and by the next day, she usually leaves one in the dish.

Oh, I also had to soak her in some tepid water and gently get some stuck shed off her feet with a wet Q-tip - it didn't exactly endear me to her!

This is while her tub was setting up and getting temps regulated, I'm keeping warm side between 88 and 91 degrees and the cool side between 78 and 82 degrees.


Here's little Trixie with her half tail!



and I'm out of here!!!!



New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
First of all, welcome! A 10 gallon tank is by no means too large. I actually felt the 10 gallon was too small and recently upgraded to a 20 gallon. A UTH will melt a plastic tub. I would switch her to the 10 gallon where the UTH can be used correctly without problems. Make sure that you are gutloading (feeding) the mealworms as well. A good mealie gutload is Cody's gutload from Pro Geckos. Crickets and mealies need to be gutloaded at least 24 hours before given to Trixie. I would also bump your warm side temps to 90-92 once you get her in the tank. Keep a very close eye on her tail to watch for infections. I highly suggest a fecal exam to make sure she has no parasites either. I think you have a real nice start and you are going to love her!


Thank you! I adore her! I actually use UTH's on tubs for all my ball pythons, kept at 92-94 degrees on Ranco and Helix thermostats for two years now, and there are no issues with the tubs melting, my snake racks are even built with UTH built in and are designed to use plastic tubs for housing - if it gets hot enough to melt plastic, then it's hot enough to burn your animal (which is why I prefer thermostats to rheostats and have a Ranco thermostat on order for her).

I will get her moved to the 10 gallon for size though, I was concerned that her being so small would make hunting for crickets challenging for her in a larger enclosure.

Crickets have the Flukers cricket food all the time, so I assume they are gut-loading, and I will definitely get the gutload food for the mealies. The crickets are being dusted with the Leo Dust as well.

I am quite smitten with her! I have a great herp vet for my ball pythons and cresties, so I'll drop off a fecal sample to him tomorrow (I love my vet, never charges me an office visit, just charges me for any tests that he runs and any medications).


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
Hmm, that's interesting. What UTHs? I heard the ZooMeds have melted them. Because they get hotter than what a thermostat would be set at. It has to go through glass and substrate. But hey, if you have done it, you would know!


New Member
Scott&Nikki said:
Hmm, that's interesting. What UTHs? I heard the ZooMeds have melted them. Because they get hotter than what a thermostat would be set at. It has to go through glass and substrate. But hey, if you have done it, you would know!

If keept on a themostat they will not get hot enough to melt the plastic.


Scott&Nikki said:
Hmm, that's interesting. What UTHs? I heard the ZooMeds have melted them. Because they get hotter than what a thermostat would be set at. It has to go through glass and substrate. But hey, if you have done it, you would know!

My ball pythons are all on flexwatt, and my thermostats all have back-up thermostats, so that if the main one fails, the back-up prevents the UTH from overheating.

Thermostats have probes that measure the temps and with Ranco/Johnson's cut on/off when it reaches a set temperature and I have them set for a 1 degree variant.

Helix thermostats are proportionals, so they alter the amount of power keeping the temp at the set temp with even less than a degree variance. The probe on the thermostat prevents the UTH from heating above a certain degree.

Rheostats (or dimmers) on the other hand do not have a temp probe to measure the temps and have to be constantly monitored and adjusted (like when your A/C kicks on, you may have to dial it in a little warmer to adjust for the cooler temps in the room). I can see a UTH overheating on a dimmer, but not on quality thermostats.

I believe that it's Zoomed (it may be another brand) does have an issue with faulty UTH's and knows that they have a problem with overheating, but choose not to address it. It is a Zoomed on there now, but I also ordered flexwatt as well to replace that. Basically, the Zoomed and rheostat were temporary until I could get a UTH and thermostat that I have experience with and trust! :)


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
Yeah, flexwatt I have heard is fine with tubs, but heard different with zoomed UTHs. But I stand... well sit corrected :) Take some more pics when you get everything done! We would love to see.


Absolutely I'll be taking more pictures of this darling! I can't wait until she's all grown up. I'm limiting any handling right now, more to just get her out of her humid hide to change out the damp paper towels, don't want any mold building!

Do your leos go potty in the same spot? She goes in the same spot every time, maybe she's just "tidy"? LOL


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
rabernet said:
Absolutely I'll be taking more pictures of this darling! I can't wait until she's all grown up. I'm limiting any handling right now, more to just get her out of her humid hide to change out the damp paper towels, don't want any mold building!

Do your leos go potty in the same spot? She goes in the same spot every time, maybe she's just "tidy"? LOL

Yup, they go in the same general areas. Mine seems to like inside her water dish right now :(. You should try to start handling her soon. Maybe not right now, but she needs to start getting used to you.


Scott&Nikki said:
Yup, they go in the same general areas. Mine seems to like inside her water dish right now :(. You should try to start handling her soon. Maybe not right now, but she needs to start getting used to you.

I was giving her a week to acclimate first, her first day was pretty stressful, acclimating to a new home, a "predator" (me) messing with her feet. I do put my hand near her and let her approach and get used to my smell. After a week, I plan to handle her for short 5-10 minute sessions daily and keep the handling sessions quiet and positive.


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
rabernet said:
I was giving her a week to acclimate first, her first day was pretty stressful, acclimating to a new home, a "predator" (me) messing with her feet. I do put my hand near her and let her approach and get used to my smell. After a week, I plan to handle her for short 5-10 minute sessions daily and keep the handling sessions quiet and positive.

Sounds like you got it all down.

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