New member!


New Member
Hello everyone!

I am a soon-to-be owner of a leopard gecko and crested gecko this Saturday (going to Repticon Atlanta). I have previously owned a crested gecko, so I'm not entirely new to geckos. I also own many, many fish and have seven aquariums up and running currently. I got into reptiles from my boyfriend, who has owned more animals than I could ever name. I personally want to go as natural as possible with these cages, since I am so used to do planted set-ups in my aquariums. I guess most of my questions will pertain to that subject. I guess another side point is that I am so fascinated by DIY things. So far, I have only done a silicon/GS background for my crestie cage.

I am super excited to join this forum and get some great knowledge from the members.

<3 Ivana

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