New/New to the Forum Gargoyle Gecko Name Help and Questions


New Member
New York
So this is my new gargoyle gecko I got him yesterday from a breeder at a reptile expo. I went there looking for another crestie but fell in love with him! I am stumped on a name for him. I desperately need help, I like to name my guys/girls within a few days of me getting them. All my other pets are named after Pokemon I would like to keep going with that but if I find something that really catches my interest I'm more than willing to do that instead. I am thinking about maybe Labrynth? CAM03535.jpg

I have currently 2 crested geckos and have tried to read everything there is about gargoyle gecko care. It seems that they have the exact same requirements as the crested geckos right?

I have read that gargoyles are jumpier and can bite and draw blood unlike cresties. But generally do people find gargoyles more aggressive than cresties? My guy seemed sweet when I held him before I purchased him.

My new gargoyle gecko has been eating about 2 bottle caps full of CGD Rapashy and I don't know if that is going to be too much for him or if there even if it even is possible for him to each too much. Also I heard from one of the breeders at the expo that the Pangea has a brand of CGD similar to Rapashy and theirs is better for the geckos and about the same price I was wondering what everyone's opinion of that was.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Welcome to GF! I have 3 adult gargoyle geckos (1.2) and at the moment 6 babies that I hope to sell within the next few months. Many of mine are orange striped like yours. It's probably my favorite garg color. I feel you should feed them as much as they will eat. If it's eating 2 bottle caps of CGD, you could always just get a bigger container and feed 1 larger one. At the moment I'm feeding 3 different types of gecko diet: Repashy (CGD), Pangea and Big Fat Gecko Diet. I really can't tell if one is better than the other. Different gargs seem to like different ones, or at least different bowls get emptied depending on what I feed. I find the Pangea a bit harder to mix and I really don't like the smell (it kind of smells like bubble gum to me).



New Member
New York
Its actually funny that you say that bc I feel like the repashy smells the bubble gum! Yeah I've seen tons gargoyles and I didn't think too much of them but then I saw him and was taken back. Now I haven't seen a gargoyle that I don't love! I just needed him to open it up for me:)

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